Wolverhampton show - help required

Diamond Dave

Sheep in Kiss makeup
Apr 18, 2001
Bristol, England
Anyone a regular at the Little Civic? I need a little help...

Firstly, is the venue the bar at the back of the Civic Hall or somewhere else? And do you get in through the main doors? I don't want to end up crashing a pop idol reject gig by mistake :)

And what times are we looking at the doors and the like. I've got a two hour drive to get to the venue (and home again) so it might be handy to know that.
Hey mate - I've only (been) drunk at the Little Civic's pub downstairs, but I think the live bands play upstairs!

The Little Civic venue is on the way to the main Civic Hall - you can't miss it as it's next door to it and looks like a pub, which it is on the bottom floor. I think you go in through the pub doors and there must be a way upstairs to the bands when inside. Or just ask at the bar mate! lol

As for when the doors open, I'm planning on getting to the Little Civic by 7pm, then if I'm early, at least I can have a few beers! There's no way it will start before 7pm though mate, so aim for that time and I'll meet you either in the pub downstairs or the venure upstairs!

Hope this is of some help, and in case you need my mob. number, I've sent you a private message containing it and my home number!

Heavy metal hails and see you there!

\m/ Ian \m/
Wooo, long time in replying, but had loads of shit on... including organising the truest night of metal that Birmingham has ever experienced along with my mates(http://www.bilskirnir.co.uk)!

Yeah, 54 were bloody great in Wolves - just a pity about the short 4 song set and that sometimes the guitar leads could have been a bit louder! Still, well worth going to and it was great to see you again Dave, as well as the band, Matt Black and the Kill II This boys!

You saying about not wanting to get stranded Dave - we did, and ended up getting home at 2am having spent £35 on a taxi back from Wolves (we were that desperate)! I had 2 hours kip before having to get up and go to work for 7 hours, then a pub to watch Liverpool... then a drinking tour of Brum's metal pubs! So I've been pretty knackered this week...

Another bugger though - I won't be able to make the Area 54 gig on the 17th October in Bolton, as I have to work on Friday's until 8pm and there's no way I can get the time off!!! Bugger. Sorry you guys but have a great time and headbang for me please!