Wolverine "Cold Light of Monday" reviews


New Metal Member
Jul 7, 2003
Hum... Excuse me Lee, I start the topic. Don't blame me, I'm French you know !!!

The review of "C.L.o.M" is available on www.obskure.com just right here :


It rates a nice global 88% ! It will be among my selection of CDs for Octobre issue => it means 1 month in full light !

A few words for those who don't speak french (is there any here ;o) )

"Following the steps of Pain of Salvation, Wolverine "Cold Light of Monday" is a revelation of dark emotional progressive metal. Sensitive, rare...simply beautiful. "

Once again, another great album coming from elitist. Maybe my prefered label this year ! Congratulations for your choices Lee !

Nikö - webmaster@obskure.com
Superbe review Niko! Tu es de France ou de Québec? En tout cas j'attend cet album avec impatience, le groupe est supposé me l'envoyer également. Je ne peux plus attendre! En tout cas, félécitations pour ce que tu as écrit, c'est très convainquant. :)
Merci Fredcod !
Nous sommes de France, basés à Clermont Ferrand

Ravi que la chronique t'ai donnée envie d'écouter l'album ;o)
C'est vraiment un condensé d'émotion !

N'hésites pas à venir faire des tours sur Obskure.com !!!
One that don't like it, it seems! :)

"Das ist überhaupt nicht mein Paar Pantoffel! Wolverine aus dem schönen Skandinavien, genauer gesagt aus Schweden machen Musik für die ganz dunklen Tage des Jahres. "Cold Light Of Monday" erscheint zwar auf Earache, mit den typischen Metal-Releases des Labels hat das Ganze aber nur wenig gemein. "Ein wunderschönes, ergreifendes Prog-Metal Album" (Zitat Infosheet) haben die Jungs da gestrickt, nur leider geht mir persönlich das völlig am langen Rücken vorbei! In ruhigen Songs erinnert sich eine Frau namens Sarah an die vergangenen Momente ihres Lebens - die Texte sind wirklich lesenswert, das wars aber auch schon! Musikalisch und technisch gesehen geht "Cold Light Of Monday" natürlich völlig in Ordnung, die Jungs musizieren ja auch schon seit 1995 zusammen. Ob mir jedoch die Füße bei der Musik einschlafen, danach fragt kein Mensch! Sorry, viel mehr habe ich nicht zu sagen, ich bin der falsche Mann für so was - leider kenne ich aber auch niemanden sonst... "


"Cold Light On Monday"
(Elitist / Earache - provided by Target Distribution)
- 3½ out of 5 points -

One word covers this band … adventurous! Wolverine is a band that sure takes chances, and for that we have to applaud them. Basically they belong in the progressive metal genre, but have for some reason signed with Elitist Records, which is an affiliate of well renowned death metal label Earache; I guess it's not a bad move, considering that they will stick out among the artist roster and the fact that they might get promoted towards some people who otherwise would never have given the band the time of day … but what amazes me here is, that for a band signed with Elitist Records, Wolverine have made a remarkably laid-back and almost ultra-melodic album in "Cold Light Of Monday" compared to their previous disc "The Window Purpose" … weird … but also adventurous. Besides the fact that Wolverine are now signed with Elitist, the band have undergone some other drastic changes in the past 2 years, since "The Window Purpose" - one of them being that the band for this album have chosen not to be working with cover artist Mattias Norén, who is well known for his fantastic progressive metal covers and have done both previous Wolverine album covers. Instead they have used very realistic every-day-pictures of a young woman for not just the front cover, but for the entire booklet. It looks very much like a pop-album and thus sets itself apart from the typical metal band cover … adventurous. The aforementioned booklet reflects the concept of the album; a story about a young woman called Sarah, who have been abused throughout all her life in one way or the other, and suddenly finds herself with a drug addiction and an unwanted pregnancy (and no, I'm not going to tell you more of the story ;-)). Anyway, the idea of making a concept album about such a very social-related theme and reflecting upon the world we live in today is very different from most progressive metal bands and it might be too heavy a subject to deal with for a lot of the guys reading the texts … now, if that's not adventurous, I wouldn't know what was. The production of the album actually matches the concept, and to me it's one of the highlights of the disc - seldom I've heard such a clean, almost clinically sterile, sound, very modern. It's far from the warm production of a Dream Theater album, but instead very cold and minimalist - for sure a sound that makes no compromises and undoubtedly will make the album extremely hard to get into for some people. The music of Wolverine is hard to describe for me, as they don't have many of the things that you'll immediately associate with the typical progressive bands of today, nevertheless they are prog metal … hmm, let me say it like this; imagine Pink Floyd, Pain Of Salvation and modern day Anathema united in one band, and it sounds a "bit" like "Cold Light Of Monday", yet I'm not sure if this is correct, so let's better say that Wolverine sounds like Wolverine - on good and bad. A thing I didn't like in the past with Wolverine was the death metal growls, which luckily have been reduced to a minimum this time, leaving much more space (95%) for Stefan Zell's clean voice. Okay, Stefan is definitely not my favourite singer, as he sounds forced and unnatural in his way of singing, but in the end it actually comes out quite listenable. Overall, "Cold Light Of Monday" is an album that wins with each listen, and it's as mentioned several times an album that is very adventurous in the sense it's not easy-listening stuff, and flows through the stream of commerciality in production, artwork, concept and music. Wolverine is truly something unique - but not necessarily a band that I am going to be listening to that much … for that, they are too adventurous for my taste.

Rating: 9,5/10

This second album by Swedish progressive metal band Wolverine should have been released months ago. Due to technical problems the album had to be re-recorded and re-mixed which caused about half a year of delay. Wolverine clearly didn’t go through all this trouble for nothing, Cold Light of Monday is a worthy efford and sounds great.

Some four years ago Wolverine impressed with their debut album The Window Purpose. Comparing this release with the music on Cold Light of Monday shows that Wolverine took a new approach to their music. Heavy metal riffs and grunts made way for emotional and moody metal prog rock. Listening to the first couple of tracks one is reminded of Anathema’s A Fine Day to Exit and Opeth’s Damnation.

Looking at the different tracks on this concept album, “Sarah”, “Tightrope” and “The Final Redemption” stand out because of their strong rhytms and driving vocal melodies.​

The rhythm section in general is one​
of the best aspects on the album. Take​
for example the song “Red Canvas”.​
This exceptional piece of drumming​
and percussion experiment evolves​
into the mysterious “Dusk”. Slow and​
moody rhythms are exchanged with​
outbursts of instrumental violence.​
The range of the vocals is overwhelming.​
There is a lot of diversity in melody,​
sound and emotion.

There is a lot more to say about Cold​
Light of Monday, but you better just​
buy the album and explore it yourselve.​
If you liked A Fine Day to Exit you will​
love Cold Light of Monday! (Geert)​

Rating: 9,5/10

This second album by Swedish progressive metal band Wolverine should have been released months ago. Due to technical problems the album had to be re-recorded and re-mixed which caused about half a year of delay. Wolverine clearly didn’t go through all this trouble for nothing, Cold Light of Monday is a worthy efford and sounds great.

Some four years ago Wolverine impressed with their debut album The Window Purpose. Comparing this release with the music on Cold Light of Monday shows that Wolverine took a new approach to their music. Heavy metal riffs and grunts made way for emotional and moody metal prog rock. Listening to the first couple of tracks one is reminded of Anathema’s A Fine Day to Exit and Opeth’s Damnation.

Looking at the different tracks on this concept album, “Sarah”, “Tightrope” and “The Final Redemption” stand out because of their strong rhytms and driving vocal melodies.​

The rhythm section in general is one of the best aspects on the album. Take for example the song “Red Canvas”. This exceptional piece of drumming and percussion experiment evolves into the mysterious “Dusk”. Slow and moody rhythms are exchanged with outbursts of instrumental violence. The range of the vocals is overwhelming. There is a lot of diversity in melody, sound and emotion.

There is a lot more to say about Cold Light of Monday, but you better just buy the album and explore it yourselve. If you liked A Fine Day to Exit you will love Cold Light of Monday!​