Cold Light Of Monday... Wow!


Marble Eye
Nov 22, 2003
I didn't really know what to expect when I first put Cold Light Of Monday into the cd player except for maybe a continuation of The Window Purpose or a forerunner to Still but I certainly wasn't expecting what I found!
I spent some time last night reading various internet reviews of CLOM and one word that seems to pop up quite often is 'Bleak' and I'd have to go along with that. I didn't find it the easiest of albums to 'get' into but obviously there was something there because I've kept going back to it almost continously for the last few days ever since I've received it and I have to say that I'm seriously impressed with this album.

Was there anything in particular that inspired this concept? I know that Marillion's 'Brave' was initially based upon a radio broadcast by the police appealing for help in identifying a girl who had been found wandering near a noted suicide hotspot so I wondered whether there was a particular incident or incidents that created the character of Sarah?

Apologies if I'm going over old ground here.
Hello, and thank you very much for your kind words. The concept of Cold light... was created after Stefan had been working with troubled youth, and he heard alot of disturbing stories and basically merged them together into one story. I think Stefan can answer more specifically on this question. But bottom line is that this problem with young people being victims of some sort of abuse and falling into drugproblems is very evident, everywhere and all the time. I think this concept can never be explored sufficiently.
Actually, we just knew we wanted to make a concept album. We just needed to find something to write about and since I write most of the lyrics it was natural that we wrote about something that I could relate to.

In my previous job I, on a weekly basis, worked with and met youths that came from very different backgrounds. Some had a very "normal" background while others came from pretty torn and scarred families. It was very frustrating to hear about all these horrible upbringings and that fed the idea to write about something similar and draw inspiration from that frustration.

We came up with this young girl Sarah that takes on a pretty awful journey through drugs and abuse. We did however want the album to end on a somewhat positive note so even though she loses her baby at the end of the album it has bought her insight into what she has done and how she has lived.

That's pretty much it. It's a controversial album in that sense that it really divided our fanbase in two. Some loved it while others hated it. It seems however that over time the album has won many over. I'm proud of it and I'm glad we dared to write and record it because it's definitely not a "logical" follow up to "The Window Purpose" and it challenges the listener. The only thing I regret about it is that we made the radio noise in "tightRope" way too long... :-)

EDIT - I saw that Marcus had posted a reply during the time I wrote mine. Just like he says, the topic of the album is always of great immediate importance.
Thanks for the replies guys. It's to nice to get some background to the concept. Much appreciated.

It doesn't surprise me that CLOM divided the fanbase somewhat as it really is quite some way removed from TWP and definitely a challenge to the listener expecting more of the same. awesome concept indeed..i love it...since I`m right now studying sotry and concept...sad though..:(