Wolverine "Cold Light of Monday" reviews

Kerrang! - KK

Patchy second album from Swedish prog-metallers. "Listening to Cold Light Of Monday, there are several moments that demand your attention, moments guaranteed to make even the most jaded music fan's ears prick up: such as when those first sinister chords come crashing in on Sarah, or the solo on New Best Friends.
Unfortunately, it's what happens between these moments that lets this album down. Stefan Zell's lyrics are clumsy at best - at worst, he offers badly phrased schoolboy poetry. And the two instrumentals here - Tightrope and Red Canvas - are too clever for their own good and a little irritating. As a band, Wolverine have their strengths, but they also have their weaknesses: in future, a focus on the former could easily produce a world class album."
Ill give kerrang a piece of my mind!!!!

*growls running to the mag stand at college library to find kerrang and their email address*

*evil giggles*