Wolverine Radio Interview - Tuesday 20th June


With their brand new album arriving at the end of June we've got an exclusive Australian interview with the enticing Wolverine. Screaming Symphony will be joined live-to-air by singer/songwriter Stefan Zell. Their new album, Still, is to be released by Candlelight Records on June 26th.

The Window Purpose (2001/2002)
Cold Light of Monday (2003)
Still (2006)

The interview will be broadcast live-to-air between 10pm - 12am Australian Eastern Standard Time (which is 2-4pm in Sweden, and 8-10am in New York). The interview will also be made available afterwards for anybody who misses it - downloadable from www.screamingsymphony.com.

If there's any questions or topics you would like us to explore, please email them to: metal (@) screamingsymphony.com.


Gary (and Peter)
Domine said:
I'm really looking forward to this although I'm a bit nervous about "live-to-air". I'll try not to make a complete fool out of myself. :)
It's ok Stefan, I'll make an arse out of myself before you do! :-)

And does that mean you'll have to practice your spoken English before the interview? ;-)

If it's any consolation, imagine if I had to get up there and sing your songs live at a show. Seriously though, as for live-to-air, don't even think about that. The main reason we do that is that it does add a little edge to an interview - we do our research, we already love your music, so you can just sit there and answer the questions if you like. :-) . It's a shame when interviewers 'edit' interviews. I mean, I want to hear it all. I want to hear the personality of the person we're talking with. Sometimes it doesn't work, but most times it does.

Just out of curiosity, who usually does the spoken English interviews?

Looking forward to this Stefan.. :-)
Swenglish... heh-heh. I haven't heard that before.

Seriously though - thanks Stefan. We do appreciate you taking the time. I think I wasn't as 'switched on' as Peter but that's ok, I have bad nights sometimes... (I personally blame the world cup football which, here in Melbourne, is between 11pm and 7 am in the morning.. not the BEST time between work, the radio, and sleep!! heh-heh..

I'll email you personally as I have a few things to say... I'll definitely post the link once Peter puts it up on the website...