WOLVES IN THE THRONE ROOM, black folk metal in vein of Weakling..

MFJ said:
Well, people make a big fucking deal about them. I've seen all kinds of posts on this website over the year(s) hailing as the best BM-oriented US release ever, and crap like that. People say it's ABSOLUTELY essential and just an incredibly rewarding experience all round.

Sorry, just for clarification, when you say "this website" are you talking about UM as a whole, or the RC board? 'Cos honestly, I'm having difficulty recollecting any dedicated discussion we've had on Weakling here at RC. I just spent a few minutes using the search feature and didn't really find anything. Perhaps it happened while I was away last year?

Using the search feature, I came up with this gloriously useless thread :loco: :

Nate's thread

He still hasn't heard it. :tickled:

Personally I just don't agree. The vocals suck, honestly, and the CD is just not that good. 7/10 at the absolute best... maybe it's not my style or something, but it's sub-par and very "meh" in a lot of places.

That's cool, I'm not sure that I would disagree. If it wasn't for the vox, I'd give it a 8.5.
I've seen Weakling discussion almost everywhere, and yeah, people saying it's the best USBM release ever. UM, metal archives, the old SSMT board. Better than average, sure. But essential....not even close bub.
I find Dead as Dreams one of only three albums I'm comfortable calling "genius". The songs may seem long and tedious, but they're constantly changing, evolving, evoking and building upon feelings with epic movements in style. It's one of those albums I've always feared reviewing because I know I can't explain it.

With that said, the vocals can be a bit hard on the ears if I'm not in the right mood, and the music equally so. I haven't listened to it in about 4 months and I don't miss it, but when I rediscover it, it'll probably be all I can listen to for a fortnight, reminding me just how brilliant it is.

EDIT: Back on topic, I've got both the Wolves demos, though I've only listened through them once. I need to give them more attention and consider getting this full length. How's the production in comparison to the demos?
I can't find anything else at Aquarius that is cheap enough to justify getting Weakling. It'd be $17.50 to get just Weakling. Everything else they have that I want is WAY overpriced.
I completely agree with that. I guess I just don't see or feel the love for Aquarius that everyone else seems to. Why charge $14-$15 per CD PLUS s/h when everyplace manages to offer their wares for $9-$12 incl. s/h? Weak.
Yeah that's the only problem with Aquarius -- the fact that they're a real "brick & mortar" store means that their prices need to cover the overhead.

I didn't realize Weakling was so difficult to find, but that said, it's been out for a while. It's extremely "cult" -- I notice it's on eBay for $15 (with 2 days left for bidding).