Wolves in the ThroneRoom-Two Hunters

Just got this, and after 2 listens I'm thinking this is some of the best Black Metal released in quite awhile. Has the feel, as most good music does, that with subsequent listens much more is to be revealed. Also, the composition seems to be more focused. And the production is excellent.
Cleansing is my personal favourite track.. And i'm not sure where i'd place this album.. It has Alcest, Ulver, Neurosis, Deathspell and Shining and Akercocke to contest with.

Oh.. And Blut Aus Nord.
fuck. you lucky lucky cunts. i would die to see wittr, especially in a forest. shit.

well it wasn't in a forest, but i did manage to see wittr tonight, and it was everything i could have ever imagined. by far the best bm gig i've ever been to, and one of the best gigs out of any genre. it was well worth flying across to the other side of the country for. :)
This album is the first in a loooooong time to truly live up to the cold darkness crafted by the pioneering North men of black metal scene in Scandinavia. I was totally blown away to how amazing this album is. So many bands have tried to conjure up the magic of the scene after all the pioneer bands changed their style with experimentation but none have succeeded. Wolves in the ThroneRoom have brought the hammer of darkness back to earth!!!! HAIL!!!!!!
album of 2007 for me. why listen to the dozens of black metal albums that half ass it when WITTR capture the atmosphere perfectly. and even better, they're not satanists.
well it wasn't in a forest, but i did manage to see wittr tonight, and it was everything i could have ever imagined. by far the best bm gig i've ever been to, and one of the best gigs out of any genre. it was well worth flying across to the other side of the country for. :)

More details, please, Tom! :)
my photos don't really do much justice, but everything about the performance was perfect. the visuals were terrific, each guitarist had an e-bow strapped to the shoulder of their guitar creating a beautiful lighting effect. there were candles all across the floor and the only lights used were a tranquil shade of blue and plenty of smoke. all this helped to turn what was a completely ordinary crappy stage at a totally mediocre venue into a surreal visual setting.

the sound was great, but not due to the mixing, moreso because each part is written so as to cut through the rest, (much like my band attemps to do) so even on one side of the stage i could perfectly hear the guitarist from the other end.

they played three songs in about 50 minutes:

1 - Face in a Night Time Mirror, Pt. 1
2 - I Will Lay Down My Bones Among the Rocks and Roots
3- Queen of the Borrowed Light

flawless set, the only thing that could have made it better imo was to have the female vocals, but having these parts shreiked was a welcome change.

now for some eyecandy:

in summary: my life is now complete.
TH for me is the best black metal album I've heard since Negura Bunget's "OM from 2006. However, I'm waiting on Deathspell Omega's "FAS" to arrive in the mail. And from what I've read, this could disrupt everything. I've read and heard where some believe "FAS" is the best BM album in the last 10 yrs. Any thoughts?
For anyone who collects vinyl records, they just released the double vinyl Two Hunters, just ordered mine today :rock:

Yes, this is a very good album.