Women and Philosophy


Nov 19, 2001
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There doesnt seem to be much interest. I can understand why women dont visit this forum, but in general I have only met one woman that was well read in philosophy (and she is a close friend). Besides Iris Murdoch, I dont even know of any women philosophers. Why?
Interesting point. I honestly don't know. I don't think this can still be blamed on the fact that it used to be an exclusively masculine pursuit. Women have moved past past repression in other regards...You're right, there just doesn't seem to be much interest.

To me it is comparable to the issue "Why aren't more women into metal?" And interestingly enough, the types who enjoy metal and the types who enjoy philosophy seem to a) overlap heavily, and to b) be predominantly male. There must be some aspect of it that doesn't resonate with (most) women the way it does with men...?

Either that or women as a gender are generally more shallow, and I say that in all seriousness...
It is indeed surprising that, on a board that is 95% male, not many females venture to the Philosophy section. Truly mind-boggling indeed.

Not many people really 'do' philosophy these days anyway. Yes, a lot of people read and study philosophy. But there are not many philosophers left in the world. And those who study philosophy are equally divided among the genders. Just visit any college campus and observe a philosophy class.
Your sarcasm is well deserved Dodens Grav. Although I dont speak for everyone, this forum is far from a philosophy only forum. Most of the time philosophy isnt mentioned. I'd say its a study on humanity forum.

And by all means Angel Eyes, post whatever you want. Your statements couldnt be more ridiculous than some of the fools on this board like that Oblivious guy.
"...but i couldn't take part in any of those,simply cause i don't know anything about philosophy i just see the things from out my own perspective and experience in life."

Just like us all. You're no different to us. At least you won't be spewing the opinion of others, like many people seem to do.
10293847 said:
"...but i couldn't take part in any of those,simply cause i don't know anything about philosophy i just see the things from out my own perspective and experience in life."

Just like us all. You're no different to us. At least you won't be spewing the opinion of others, like many people seem to do.

Excellent observation.

Please Angel Eyes, no matter how bad your english is, we need more estrogen on this board; Never is Forever needs company.
Women have become just like men. Working, hunting for mates(lol). I miss the good ole days when the man did everything for his woman in return for loyalty, food, and some good old fashioned booty.
Majesty said:
Women are shallow,hell most men are shallow too... People are shallow

I agree on that last sentence quite strongly, however it's of course not applicable to everyone. There are pockets of us I think who do give a damn about other people and this world...
My ex-girlfriend had alot of things to say about me. Many were good, most were bad. My favorite though, was always how she referred to me as an "old black woman". She said that I see the world in black and white and the existence of a gray area to me was, in so few words, "retarded". The most simple answer to the question at hand however is quite simply, society. Society pressures women in so many more ways than men to be beautiful, skinny, meek, and perfect based on what Cosmo says is cool at the time. The sad thing is that until Cosmo or any of those mass produced female magazines says that being metal is cool. Not very many women are going to join the cause. Which is sad, because they are overlooking the obvious talent of so many people due to what a magazine publication says is cool. Alas, such is life.
Hey, go for it, Anya. Don't be shy.

But I shouldn't talk since I just lurk here myself.
orchidrise said:
Society pressures women in so many more ways than men to be beautiful, skinny, meek, and perfect based on what Cosmo says is cool at the time. The sad thing is that until Cosmo or any of those mass produced female magazines says that being metal is cool. Not very many women are going to join the cause. Which is sad, because they are overlooking the obvious talent of so many people due to what a magazine publication says is cool. Alas, such is life.

Yes so it's pretty much bred right into our culture that only "certain" kinds of girls like metal, because what is "acceptable" for women are a) Boy bands b)Lite Rock bands(pop rock) c)Female Vocals d) Club music(includes electronic/synth, hip hop, rap) c) Folk. d) indie crap

BuT Metal and Punk, no way, girls can't like that. But even more girls like punk then metal, which I think is more cultural like everything else.

The Dark side of the music isn't for everyone though, so I can understand. Plus the lack of woman in the scene for females to even relate to.
Heavy metal and power metal tend to have the most female fans of metal, so there are even less into extreme metal like Death and Black
orchidrise said:
Society pressures women in so many more ways than men to be beautiful, skinny, meek, and perfect based on what Cosmo says is cool at the time.

I agree with this in part, but the even sadder truth is that these magazines are starting to even influence men on an equal scale.

The CK poster boy image is becoming what many women (in the mainstream anyway) really expect. This is more prevalent in generation Y as opposed to generations before (although it does occur in older generations to a lesser extent).

While it's good for men in the circumstance that they are looking after themselves more, being more clean etc, the effects are not so good socially and have a produced an extremely aggressive landscape for the single person, male or female.

All I have to do is look around where I live (Bondi, Sydney): tanned perfect bodies of male (and female of course) as far as the eyes can see. Perfect faces beautiful hair... half of it isn't even real! And more so, the men are total pigs who treat women like shit, and don't even know how to please a woman mentally let alone physically. Complete apes.

When I was single, it was a real confidence blow "how do I compete with this?", but then those of us who are "real" have to remind ourselves that we're good people, have good morals and will stick with our partners through thick and thin.
You have to understand something though -

i don't think that anyone who wishes to have a quality interaction with a woman of quality would waste their time on an insecure wreck like you.

"Inner beauty's more important"... "i like makeup but hate cosmo"...plus every other sentence you type is an apology or justification for something deficient in your conduct or inherent character.

What are you, twelve? You need some self-confidence, dearie.
Blaphbee said:
You have to understand something though -

i don't think that anyone who wishes to have a quality interaction with a woman of quality would waste their time on an insecure wreck like you.

"Inner beauty's more important"... "i like makeup but hate cosmo"...plus every other sentence you type is an apology or justification for something deficient in your conduct or inherent character.

What are you, twelve? You need some self-confidence, dearie.

You really have never ever had a relationship with a woman have you?

Dont worry about him; he is a pissed of misogynist, who hates women because they mock and ignore him.
What are you, twelve? You need some self-confidence, dearie.

It all has to do with a positive self image.
If you think you will fail, you will fail.

You're putting yourself down, so the mob mentality will rule and they will join you in being negative about you. If you take their bs, you'll keep getting more. Some day you'll have to stand up for yourself, if you don't it will never stop.
Angeleyes Part II said:
@Silver Incubus: As i joined UM almost one year ago as a total newbie when it comes to Metal,i got so many music reccomendations by what i like to call good friends (they even send CD's and DVD's overseas,which i am very grateful for) here on the Metal Forum,i'm totally hooked on the Dark/Black/Death side music,it can't be dark enough for me to be honest,ever since i got the chance to listen to this music,it changed my view on life as well as myself,but however i don't think one need to listen to just one genre of Metal there is so much wonderful music too explore,i also think (just pointing out my personal view),that a person who loves any genre in Metal Music doesn't have to wear per definition black clothes,just to point out your into Metal,no offends here to anyone wearing mainly black,i wear it myself too occasionaly when goiing to concerts or festivals,but just try to say that the music is more important as well as lyrics,i myself react very emotional and sensitive listening to certain songs,therefore it doesn't matter what i wear,it's about what the music does to one,it comes from the heart imo,correct me if i'm wrong..
I apologise again for my crappy writing guys..

Oh i completely agree, and I glad you found that I do have a similar point of view. I mean i wear black and the dark clothes simply because i feel comfortable in them(But really im usually wearing navy blue cargo pants)

Because I am so into music in general, i find that I think i know what makes good music, I have actually taken history of music and how it progressed from tribal to today, and history of this century of music, which is mostly rock. I am also in my last year of a program called Music Industry Arts, where you learn about the many facets of the music industry, Engineering, Production, Post production (pro tools + midi programs like logic), Contracts , Music theory(basic), and ear training.

What I have clarified even more from the experience of my teachers and guest lectures i have heard, is that music is all about the emotional response, and that a good song, regardless of the medium its presented in, will always be a good song.

I like all metal as well, I mean I listen from bands like Dragonforce or Symphony X to bands like Morbid Angel, Death, Emperor, Wintersun, Immortal, and pretty much anything that has something good to it.

I think most girls just find it hard to have a emotional response from metal, especially the more extreme metal, simply because they don't understand what it represents. Vocals really turn some people off. I know because i have show many people bands I liked. My Ex-Girlfriend was one of a kind. She not only played guitar, but was into metal, and eventually played metal with me. She was into the even more extreme metal, but so far she is the only girl i have ever met to be both a great guitarist/musician and to be really into metal. Its sad that for the most part female roles in bands tend to be the vocals. I would like to see more girls learn to shred, they could bring a fresh new air into the male dominated realm of metal.:headbang: