Women and Philosophy

speed said:
You really have never ever had a relationship with a woman have you?

Dont worry about him; he is a pissed of misogynist, who hates women because they mock and ignore him.
it's the internet, all counter arguments must be ad hom.

i'm not a misogynist, i'm sick of dealing with neurotic head cases like the one on display here. i don't pity the poor fool who shacks up with her before she deals with her rampant insecurities.

Besides Don Juan, it makes me wonder why you'd say I've never had a relationship with a woman, when you don't seem to comprehend that her psychology is almost universal in modern women. I've had to deal with it more than you'll ever realize, neighbour. Everyone has some insecurities, but women take it to new heights, and if you had ever had a relationship with one of their kind yet, you'd know that i'm speaking the truth.

Guess it's more important to put on pretense and charades though, what with this being the internet and all?

I'm not the biggest fan of Cythraul, but even I agree with him in his most recent posts here in this particular subforum where you're concerned. Your opinion is absolute dogshit, and you're sorely unfit to be arguing about ideas when you have a gross egalitarian complex undermining every post you make.

In that light, who the fuck are you to call me anything when you're guilty of exactly the same thing I'm condemning someone else for? Shut the fuck up and read your Ayn Rand, jewnior.
If anyone should shut up, it has to be you. You're always quick to point out when others are wrong (in your view), but never seem to have an ability to consider or listen to other people's point of view.

You can throw as much complex english into your posts as you like, but it doesn't hide how angry and insecure you really are, not to mention immature.

Not only that, but regardless of how insecure someone might be, it gives you no right to be throwing grenades at them. Have some respect for the people around you for a change.

If anything, I'd say Speed is right on the nail. Get a girlfriend mate, if you can.
As some new to this I ask myself what are the motives of the posters?
Why do The Hubster and Speed even care if Blaphbee is in a relationship and what does that have to do with anything in this thread?
He is the clear voice here.
As for the rest of you, I think you need to have a group hug.
i follow some of the threads in this forum full interest i must say,but indeed i am to shy to give any comment,because of the simple fact that i'm afraid you guys make fun about it

We don't need a long debate to determine that Angel Eyes is insecure.
Youre right Demiurge,but i still have to meet the first person who isn't insecure about him/herself one way or another,it's ppl like Blaphbee who like to make ppl feeling insecure about themselves,with all do respect Blaphbee you might have some bad experience with women,i don't know that,and it doesn't concern me at all,doesn't mean that all women are per definition Bitches and Ho's,which shows your very immature and childish yourself calling names like that imo,as i said in my first post,and i just tried to be as honest as i can be,i'm not pretending to be something i'm not,like i said before i might not be as intelligent or well educated as most of the ppl on this forum,the question was why there aren't so many women on this forum,and Blaphbee your probbably one of the reasons why women stay away from here,i made it very clear my english writing is very bad since it's not the language we speak were i come from,however i do think one has the right and freedom to give his opinion,about whatever he/she feels like,there's no need to attack ppl like me or NeverisForever or one of the other forum members (who shows to be more mature then you,regardless there age,for age is just a number nothing more),just because i'm not on the same level when it comes to write in a fancy way you most likely want to see it,just try to have respect or is it to much to ask from you,if you see my way of writing as something a twelve year old would do,well i'm sorry but it's the best i can but believe me i'm far from beiing twelve i don't think my avatar looks like that now does it,i just try to be myself,and so should you..

@Silver Incubus: Thanks for your response,do you have any band in particular you like very much?when it comes to music and lyrics i mean,i also can enjoy very much instrumental songs,or classic as well,it mainly depends what mood i'm in,a few of my favorite bands Arcturus (will see them live the 7th of Octobre),Opeth,Bloodbath,Summoning,Diabolical Masquerade,Apocalyptica,Dragonforce as well (saw them live at Graspop this year,which was awsome) When it comes to music wich can really hit my emotional button,i say Anathema,the Gathering,Antimatter etc.
Instrumental i like Raison Détre,Desiderii Marginis,In Slaughter Natives (don't know if you ever heard of them?)
But i also like to listen to bands like Decapitated,Detonation,Finntroll,actually i just try to say there is a wide variety when it comes to Metal Music,and there all have there unique way of making a person sensitive for it or not,no matter what you wear or who you are,it might even bring a person into a trance,hell i can't imagine living a life without music..
Insecurities are a human trait. They are also in a rather strange way, a character-builder (which can be used positively or negatively).

No one exists without them, but we all handle them in different ways. Many people deny their existence within themselves (Blaphbee), and there are others who seem to be at peace with them, or rather at the very least acknowledge their existence (Angeleyes Part II).

I like to think that not all of them can be overcome, however the next best thing is to be at peace with them to help achieve your balance in life. Doing so requires the ability to be humble and accepting of not only your own faults, but those of other people.

I don't know about all of you people, but I have a lot more respect for someone who can stand up and admit their own faults, rather than someone who will gloat about their lack of faults and everyone being riddled with them.

Just my 2c before I try to remember the point of the post I originally wanted to write LOL.
The Hubster said:
Insecurities are a human trait. They are also in a rather strange way, a character-builder (which can be used positively or negatively).

No one exists without them, but we all handle them in different ways. Many people deny their existence within themselves (Blaphbee), and there are others who seem to be at peace with them, or rather at the very least acknowledge their existence (Angeleyes Part II).
There are no absolutes.

That's a rather tidy little evaluation of my psyche. Where exactly did you come to the braindead conclusion that I'm denying the existence of anything within my personality? Or is it just easier for you to moralize and judge things based on whether or not you understand the person or the genesis of their conduct within the spectrum of your narrow-minded binary outlook of good or bad as pertaining to the crowd?

I like to think that not all of them can be overcome, however the next best thing is to be at peace with them to help achieve your balance in life. Doing so requires the ability to be humble and accepting of not only your own faults, but those of other people.
Sure. That's a great fatalistic way to look at things, if you believe also that CHRIST will solve all of your problems for you in an afterlife. Hey, why bother trying right now to fix what makes you broken, right? That's just wasting time when you could be listening to kickass, non-ideologized metal, d00d!!!1!

I don't know about all of you people, but I have a lot more respect for someone who can stand up and admit their own faults, rather than someone who will gloat about their lack of faults and everyone being riddled with them.
I have a lot more respect for people who don't deny reality or don't shy away from pointing out reality at the expense of not rocking the boat then I have for the pity-party you champion.

Just my 2c before I try to remember the point of the post I originally wanted to write LOL.
Fuck man, your condescension is so very utterly productive to debating. Try not to be a hypocrite when you moralize, 'kay dipshit? Makes you look like less of an idiot.
Angeleyes Part II said:
Youre right Demiurge,but i still have to meet the first person who isn't insecure about him/herself one way or another,it's ppl like Blaphbee who like to make ppl feeling insecure about themselves,with all do respect Blaphbee you might have some bad experience with women,i don't know that,and it doesn't concern me at all,doesn't mean that all women are per definition Bitches and Ho's,which shows your very immature and childish yourself calling names like that imo,as i said in my first post,and i just tried to be as honest as i can be,i'm not pretending to be something i'm not,like i said before i might not be as intelligent or well educated as most of the ppl on this forum,the question was why there aren't so many women on this forum,and Blaphbee your probbably one of the reasons why women stay away from here,i made it very clear my english writing is very bad since it's not the language we speak were i come from,however i do think one has the right and freedom to give his opinion,about whatever he/she feels like,there's no need to attack ppl like me or NeverisForever or one of the other forum members (who shows to be more mature then you,regardless there age,for age is just a number nothing more),just because i'm not on the same level when it comes to write in a fancy way you most likely want to see it,just try to have respect or is it to much to ask from you,if you see my way of writing as something a twelve year old would do,well i'm sorry but it's the best i can but believe me i'm far from beiing twelve i don't think my avatar looks like that now does it,i just try to be myself,and so should you..
Okay, I'm gonna try here.

The bitches comment was meant as a troll. I don't know if you're familiar with what "trolling" is when it happens on the internet, but the definition is akin to the term's use in the fishing world: you throw a line out there into the water, and drag it along behind you until some poor sucker of a fish bites and gets reeled in. It was meant to provoke, and nothing more. It obviously worked here. In no way is it a reflection of my outlook on females in general, though.

Something else I notice in your post is a decidedly ignorant conception of sarcasm and metaphor. When I called you a twelve year old because of your writing capacity, it was meant as a jibe, and not a literal estimation of your age, which i now gather is quite ancient. This particular instance was not a troll (remember the lesson above?), merely a caustic barb at your continual excuses for your pisspoor writing ability where my language is concerned, with no ground being made in your own improvement, and no desire to seemingly work towards that improvement. If you want to communicate in english, that's fine. I don't see why i should tolerate fumbling and careless usage of the language when you don't seem to understand that, instead of garbling my language for the sake of conversation, work on making your own use of it better in the first place, before you open your mouth, and then you will:

a) not have to constantly offer excuses
b) not have guys like me struggling through your barely coherent writing in order to divulge a point to your whining, if there is one at all to be found.

Now, on to the point. I called you insecure because you are, and it shows. Blindingly. All you do is make excuses for both your own behaviour, and for "evil" individuals like me who make it hard for poor women like you to make it in such a harsh, male-dominated world. I have a great contempt for victim mentalities, and you're exemplifying it right now with all the countless assumptions you've made about my past experiences with your gender. One doesn't need to have two dozen relationships to observe that women are nuts, thanks to the values that are peddled on them which they in turn don't have the will to drive from themselves. If society destroys them on the inside, and they can't do anything about it, that isn't society's fault, it's the women who allowed it to happen. You have a brain (i'm positive), as do we all. What do you use it for? - making or finding externalized excuses and reasons for your own inability to do the hard work of fixing yourself, or do you actually work on your faults, so that you don't have them troubling you any more? Be honest here - not with me, as I don't care, but with yourself. It isn't society's job to fix you, it's yours.

Since I gave voice to this taboo, i received a number of insults hurled my way by the christlike rabble here, not to mention you. Why? Does the truth hurt that much?
The Hubster said:
Someone should ban you. You never have anything positive to contribute to a discussion.
I hurt people's feelings, therefore i should be removed?


You blow off my counter argument by asking for a ban? And you're telling me I'm immature?
I share your contempt for victim-mentality, Blaphee, but I find it easier to ignore said victims instead of constantly pointing out their weakness(es). And besides, how do you know that Angeleyes aren't working on her english? Perhaps she was even worse a year ago. And if that is the case, I'm sure encouragement is what she deserves and needs, not insults.

@Angeleyes: You should not pardon yourself for not being completely profficient in your second (or perhaps third, for all I know) language. No one expects you to have the flawless grammar of ethnic englishmen or americans. The ones who should pardon themselves, are the people on this board who have english as their first language, yet still writes just as poor, if not poorer, than you.
Blaphee, what I dont understand is why you are mercilessly attacking Angel Eyes II? The poor girl is sharing all of her insecurities and problems and you are treating her as if she is the cause of all the worlds problems. This lack of empathy and understanding for another human being reveals more of your own social outcast/introverted behavior than one might imagine. Your posts also clearly emphasize your own problems with the opposite sex. You clearly hate women or think them beneath you, the ubermensch. It is not her fault that women dislike you and find your act tiring.

Sometimes in social situations it is best to learn when to let things go. You have yet to learn that.

As for the absolutes: I agree, there are no absolutes, but insecurity must top the list of closest to being an absolute. If one reads a biography of Hitler, Stalin, Napoleon, and so on, all of these "great" men were incredibly insecure and used their machismo and power to cover up the fact that inside they were scared little boys like the rest of us.

And because I am a foolish closet egalitarian, I would never ever consider banning you. You have some interesting opinions that I dont know where I would encounter anywhere else.
Thanks for the pop psychology. It explained nothing.

They aren't my problems with women, they're the problems that they have to face. I'm simply giving voice to it. I love women, but i despise their general psychology in the mainstream.

I don't get your reasoning (such as it is): "great" men like the unbalanced dictators you named were fraidy cats too, just like the rest of us? Your point? Life is scary; are you going to let that petrify you in time? Or are you going to march on despite it, and conquer the fear you have?

Far from the contrary, it's because i understand her that i have no empathy, as she doesn't deserve the pity you're lavishing on her if all she's good for is making excuses. I'm "picking on her" as an example of why you wouldn't find a great deal of women in philosophy (as per the topic): the vast majority of them are victims of their own inability to rise above their victimhood. It takes a pretty stable individual to be able to argue philosophy, which hasn't shown up much around this forum.

Then again, what do you expect with whiny metalheads who are only good for one thing - selfish overconsumption?
Blaphbee said:
Sarcasm flies right over your head?

Besides, you're seventeen. What in all of fuck do you know about anything, beyond being a teenybopper?
The sarcasm was obvious. Guess what? Your original post was still a stupid one. Read the forum guidelines and take the trolling elsewhere. And I'll get back to teenybopping :tickled:
Angeleyes Part II said:
@Crimson Velvet: Thank you,however i do speak 4 languages,i just lack writing/typing them,but languages do have my biggest interest
May i ask what you teach?


I teach a little bit of everything, but mostly english, as that's what I majored in. Other than that, norwegian, history, music, gymnastics, and you know, whatever's required of me. The curriculum of fifteen- to seventeen-year-olds aren't exactly advanced learning, so it doesn't take long to get a general grasp of it.

Not many people speak four languages! Where are you from?
Blaphbee said:
Thanks for the pop psychology. It explained nothing.

They aren't my problems with women, they're the problems that they have to face. I'm simply giving voice to it. I love women, but i despise their general psychology in the mainstream.

I don't get your reasoning (such as it is): "great" men like the unbalanced dictators you named were fraidy cats too, just like the rest of us? Your point? Life is scary; are you going to let that petrify you in time? Or are you going to march on despite it, and conquer the fear you have?

Far from the contrary, it's because i understand her that i have no empathy, as she doesn't deserve the pity you're lavishing on her if all she's good for is making excuses. I'm "picking on her" as an example of why you wouldn't find a great deal of women in philosophy (as per the topic): the vast majority of them are victims of their own inability to rise above their victimhood. It takes a pretty stable individual to be able to argue philosophy, which hasn't shown up much around this forum.

Then again, what do you expect with whiny metalheads who are only good for one thing - selfish overconsumption?

You know thats a good post and rebuttal. I cant say I disagree with any of it. One, as you probably know, will not get very far in the world by caustically speaking such truths, and it takes guts to say such things. Why you resorted to name calling before i dont know?

Although you have just proven my point on fear and insecurity etc. These great or important men attempted to do what you said: conquer their fear. But in reality, their fear was always with them, and their personalities were a direct result of their insecurities. Regardless, thats enough with that topic.