In all honestly, what follows will embarass me greatly at any given time. The tone I've appointed belongs more to University professors than debators, but as I see it, the circumstanes necessitate it.
My god man, you attack the meanings of words, value systems etc. In essence, there is no possible argument either you or I could ever possibly make.
Precisely. While you have cocooned yourself, in alliance with all your enlightened contemporaries, in innumerable 'givens' which form the basis of all your argument and, unfortunately, all your thought, there exist those who will differ with you on what you would almost certainly refer to as universal. I am not appreciative of egalitarianism, and neither of diversity nor of altruism. For as long as such ridiculous values fuel your thought process, you and I are argumentatively incompatible.
I have 'nullified' my opinion simply because an opinion I hold is irrelevant to any argument, and that I need to produce impersonal, objective and empirically determinable arguments to swing the flow in my favour. Although this happens to be a very intuitive formulation that needs not be taught, with your intellect, I believe it is going to take time.
Further, I'm certain you'll disagree, but I have endeavored to maintain some decency in this thread. Another parallel drawn to, however, will inevitably result in my decision to shred the civility in this thread to pieces. Such parallels serve your lesser desires to categorize, I understand, but refrain from it.
You post all of these outrageous Ultra Fascist arguments and when someone questions you on it, you do one of two things: 1) Smear, insult, act superior; 2) Argue Semantics and the definitions of terms, values, etc, based on your own judgments of these terms, throw in some obscure outrageous definitions, and always come the conclusion that there is no conclusion and there can be no opinion. Can you ever, ever address the heart of the matter? Are you afraid to? What is it?
'Outrageous'. I'll take the word to reiterate what should now be pounding at the doors of your grey matter. When you declare something outrageous, do you see how you have imposed upon an argument a subjective treatment that may vary with individuals? Perhaps incapability unites you in an understanding of the term, but it certainly does not warrant its absolute usage in all forums. Other instances of such terms would be 'childish', 'a bit' and so on. These terms, therefore, are inadmissible in argument and open to all criticism. If their use is absolutely necessary, you employ what we generally refer to as a formal definition, and the argument will proceed only when a mutual decision on the definition has been arrived at.
The heart of the matter? I
am addressing the heart of the matter. As for acting superior, how you
wish I were
People in the 'real' world that you have arbitrarily drawn up, which I assume means the non-Internet world, respond almost identically as users of this forum: they are intimidated into accusations and outright stupidity.
How compelling. But you posted a long misogynistic quote of Schopenhauer and then say this defending your view of... you then state you cannot understand what they had in mind.
As of yet, I have not attempted to argumentatively defend my view of women, so your assumptions on how I have done so are ridiculous. As to why I haven't done so, I consider it a useless endeavor because an opinion on gender equality is so firmly rooted in relativity of intellect, circumstance and inclination that to pretend to argue it out can be little more than a man's attempt at trying to rationally justify his interaction with women, whether that man be you or me.
I can assume that what Schopenhauer and Nietsche wrote was in their mind (for the validity of such an assumption does not impact anything), but what I cannot assume are the motives that drove them to produce such opinions. This is just a clarification, and a less negligent reading of my previous posts would undoubtedly bring you to the same conclusion. How these motives are relevant (or irrelevant) is an issue that you have chosen not to address, and which I will choose to rest for the same reason.
You're flattering me now.
And then you go on to state what impacts you think an individual can have on society. You support imposing his influence and reducing commercialism, but you also state an individual will choose whichever he decides and you are unconcerned. Which one is it?
I said and I reiterate: he
may acquire a balance to reduce commericialism,
or he may employ influence to impose. I believe it is evident that such a sentence reflects my perfect indifference to the way individuals like you take out, and thus I am 'highly unconcerned'. There may be a million other ways, and these ways may not function - that is not an issue which bothers me as it bothers you.
Schopenhauer and Nietzsche were prisoners of their time with regard to their views on women. This is, in fact, my most significant complaint with Nietzsche--he writes of "free spirits" yet is himself entirely fettered by the views of his contemporaries.
Agreeing with one's contemporaries, with the special case where one's contemporaries form a selective group referred to as philosophers, is not in itself worthy of reprimand. When I criticise your populist influences, I criticise the recent saturation of the world with individual opinion and the consequent formulation of value systems, ethics and ideals that make me roar with laughter, namely the liberal revolutions. As stated earlier, let this not move into political philosophy, and if it seems necessary, employ another thread.
Nightendday, stop mincing words and further clarify why the question of whether or not you've known an intelligent woman is "irrelevant." Unless you are prepared to tell me that contact with individual women has in no way impacted your view of the gender--in which case, what are you basing your opinions on?--don't think you can evade the question simply by declaring it beneath you.
I've already explained why my opinion is irrelevant. The second issue you raise - yes, most of my notions about women are a consequence of contact and observation, and since these are non-objective, I believe they have no place in an objective argument. Unless this is a tea party for morons, I choose not to opine pointlessly to hasten an impossible resolution of the issue.
I'm also (seriously) interested in knowing how you manage in life, if you genuinely hate 50% of the people with whom you come in contact based on gender alone. How can you bring yourself to deal with such inferior beings on a daily basis?
Again, unless this is your mentioned tea-party, I do not see how this should concern you. If you're going to rephrase it and tell me women should not be despised for it is difficult to manage with so much hatred, I'll let you know that seasoning can have the most interesting effects, and then again, not being able to manage is a pragmatic concern that is, as far as I'm concerned, secondary to my opinion of them.
Speed, I echo your sentiments entirely. The central flaw with their ideological high-horses is that, truth be told, nobody cares.
Does that concern me? I maintain not, as you should have known in previous posts.
You know, an old political sciences professor of mine once said that there are two components that merit an ideology's existence; a) that it be a system of beliefs that is logical and coherent on its own terms (i.e. stable infrastructure), and b) that it entail some adaptative quality that renders it applicable in the modern sense of practicality. I think he was on to something.
Your University professors

. While this is a crude over-simplification of an ideology, I will not touch upon that and simply point out that the fulfillment of the second component results in compromising a standpoint, and such a compromise may be rational for those infatuated with popular support, and not for me.
In essence (meaning, when stripped of the twaddling and ineffectual verbiage that any half-competent writer would be ashamed to produce), Nightendday is saying that he is perfectly content just...talking to himself. Stewing in thoughtful introversion has its charms, I suppose, to the likes of those who pleasure themselves on clopping out literature of little or no consequence.
The real question is whether it has any place on an internet discussion forum.
While your deduction is partial and influenced, I will - again - choose not to contend it for it affords me a position I can defend. Yes, I acquire great pleasure out of talking to myself. 'Consequence' is something you'd like to reconsider using, for reasons mentioned more times than is perhaps tolerable. Machiavelli, I believe, will aid you in your consideration. Also, assuming that we do agree upon the term, churning out literature of consequence is by no means a merit.
There's no 'storm' to be found here. Kindly delete your account and search elsewhere.
But there is recreation. You grossly misunderstand the quote anyway, and I did not expect otherwise.
To conclude, I'll post something speed said with which, despite all my efforts to do so, I cannot disagree with: