Women in uniform.

Mr H..........nope, I'm not mad at all.

Rabs was right, the:( meant a sad face cause you'd have to redo your parts. I for got the new :( come out like little mad faces, hahaha
sorry for the confusion:)

feel free to ask as many questions as you like.........we dont mind one bit

hey did you have a listen to the drum track?
Hey! Good job on the drums! There were some tempo fluctuations that kinda threw me a little:) I've been playing with a computerized drummer so long that I've almost forgotten how to play along with real drums. lol. I followed along pretty good.
I used a lot of reverb to try and make my dry room guitar mesh with your drums.
Retired my homepage, time for me to learn how post the file in a more appropriate place!!;)
Mr. Hyde, send me an e-mail on slaanesh@hem.passagen.se and I'll give you access to my ftp-server, which you also can use to share your files with the other guys. This can be useful since myplay has been acting up lately. Also, most of the finished tracks are on my ftp, plus some maiden bootlegs for your pleasure, so just let me know if you're interested :)
Mr H............Hell yeah man! Great mix so far.
I just had a listen and I really like it.
Your right about the time fulxuations in a few parts, it's nothing too noticable:)

What ever effect you put on the drums I like em:)
Glad you like it! I didn't use a lot of effects on your drums, a little eq and delay! I used some reverb on my guitar tracks and the overall mix, to make it sound a little bigger!
In addition to vox, we also need bass on this one. Since this is my first project here, I would prefer to have a bass track to mix in before the vox, but I can always mix the tracks in any order.:)
So everyone, any takers for bass and vox on this one?:)
I just downloaded and gave the 'live' drum version a listen. Sounding pretty good! :)

Some of the tracks need serious hiss reduction. I am not sure which ones...but having worked with MMs drum tracks, its probably not the drum track.

...so Mr. Hyde, should we make you a member of the IMG now? ;)
I mean...should I go ahead and put this song down on the project status page and make it an official IMG tune?

In all reality though..if you want bass on this track, you are probably gonna have to lay it down yourself....or get Eddy maybe?

Our regular bass players are super busy and super swamped. You may be able to get a bass track from them in ...oh....months...if you can wait. :p

Let me know.
I appreciate your comments. I was aware of a certain amount of noise. At the beginning of the song there is noise, it's present on the drum mp3 I downloaded, and you can also hear my amp hiss, and a little buzz if you listen closely. I had planned on removing the noise at the beginning later.
I was wondering if you hear a lot of noise throughout? Once the music starts, it's sounds really clear on my system. Also, when I convert files to mp3 with MusicMatch I'm getting a click at the beginning and end, I still have to figure out what's causing that. Keep the comments coming though because it definitely helps.
If you want to make this an official img tune that would be great!
I recorded a bass track for women in uniform. I just uploaded the new mix. Check it out!
Hopefully I corrected some of the problems that Rabies mentioned in his previous post.:)

The noise is mostly prevalent at the intro. You can hear it a bit once all the music starts. Not much. Its better on the new version with bass....not bad bass playing either...for a pick! ;)

New version sounds pretty good. One thing I'd like to point out is that it sounds like you EQ'd the drums to bring up the cymbals. That's fine and all..but you lost the kick drum in the process. I can't really hear (or feel) it at all. =(

You'll fit right in here at the IMG. The next big step for you now is working with another IMG guitar player. ;)

Have you heard any of the tunes we have done yet?
Thanks for the compliments on my playing!:) I think it's sounding pretty good!

I did boost the high eq and try to bring up the cymbals a little. I think the kick drum is still there, but now it has some competetion from the bass in the low end. Once I get a vocal track to mix in, I should be able to give all of the instruments their own space in the mix. Up to this point, I've only used real time effects, nothing permanent. I still have the freedom to change things to fit the song in the final mix. (hopefully)

I like this song a lot, but I've listened to it so many times now that it's starting to get on my nerves!!lol. I'm looking forward to working on something new with another guitarist.
I've heard some of img stuff, from the downunder karaoke page, and the img page. It's incredible how musicians from anywhere can do this!
Originally posted by Mr. Hyde

I like this song a lot, but I've listened to it so many times now that it's starting to get on my nerves!!lol.

Bwaaaahahahaha! :lol:

..and this is a easy 3 minute song! Wait till you volunteer to do a maiden epic!
:) No sympathy for the new guy huh? lol!

There are a lot of songs I would like to do. How about Invaders?
I could do one guitar track, and I would like to try Dave's solo. If I can figure out his madness that is!!:)

I won't be volunteering for anything over 14 minutes in the near future!!lol:D
Unless I limit myself to one instrument, that is!!