Women in uniform.

I suggested Invaders because it's not one of the first songs most people think about when talking about maiden. That might make it hard to get people to volunteer for this one. What do you think of the song?

Well, it doesn't seem like anyone is too interested in this song. Maybe because the idea is buried in this thread, who knows. It doesn't really matter though, it was just an idea for something different! :)
Invaders is a tough song. I would love to volunteer....but I have so many tough songs right now, I would not be able to get it done anytime soon...and we are seriously hurting in the bass dept.

Pick another easier song to do quickly and I'm down with that...for the other guitar part. However, if you want anything done soon Hyde, you may have to play bass yourself. EC is severly limited on time and has 4 tracks he has to do..and same with constantine...only he has like 9 tracks to do. =(
I'm working on playing bass with my fingers. If I get good enough to do justice to Steve's style I'll start volunteering to do some bass tracks. Steve H. is so fast with his fingers that it is definitely not any easy thing to do. I'm getting better, but I'm not quite there yet. :)
Originally posted by Nefilim
I'll pitch in some vox on this one of noone else wants to. I really like this tune, and I'd hate to mess it up for ya, so if Jim or 7th wants to take it, it's fine with me. :)

Have you had a chance to work on your vocal track for this yet?