Waste of time.
Pussy trap and shit, I'd rather play guitar,record,mix and get drunk and jerk off instead of having a girl in my life, been like that since last years and I can finally live my projects without having somebody who's just gonna fuck my schedule for eating with their parents and shit.
Kill em' all.
I basically just got/have been getting out of a fucking 5 year relationship. It's fucking amazing how quickly a girl can change her mind. "I just don't love you anymore"....FUCKING REALLY?!?! How do you just NOT love someone after 5 years? I should have taken then signs...her ignoring my calls/texts and the only time she'd respond was "Busy ttyl". And of course, if I ask if she's seeing someone else and get no response, ask again and get a "Assume what you want to get you through and over this".
FUCK YOU, CUNT. Good luck finding a guy who will treat you as good as I have.