Derailing more.
I think it DEPENDS ON THE PERSON how drugs affect them.
I have no need to go out and do speed every weekend to have a good time, but my best friend does if he goes out(because of the association of speed = a good night)
I've never had long come downs, but I've never been much of a heavy user, Usually just a 50 or 75 and that lasts me.
I've had some AWESOME AS FUCK times on speed, but I am in no way dependent on it for a good night, nor am I dependent on booze, I can make my own fun..
I'm glad I did it, because I liked the experience and I think I am better for it(although this may not be the case for everyone)
I think it comes down to the individual person.
If you have an addictive personality I think it best to not get into it as you may make a habit out of it.
But if you have strong self control I think its a good thing to experience.
That being said I am sort of biased, as I am sort of pro drugs.
I plan to do most drugs at least once.
I think my best friend who uses pretty much every time we go out easily makes a habit out of things.
Like pot, he smokes at least 3 times a week and is dependent on it sometimes to have fun, which I think is fucked.