Woods Hoodies

Okay, Black Woods hoodies are coming! But, I have to ask, is there anyone who would order a white Woods hoodie??? Seriously! We're going to be getting black ones done for sure, but I have the option of getting a couple white hoodies (w/black logo) mixed in with the order, just to offer something different.

Anticipated complaint #1: it will seem that a white hoodie will get dirtier faster than a black one...

But, don't you think a white hoodie would look awesome in the winter? Think IMMORTAL's "Battles in the North" :)

+ The Woods 3 artwork and album booklet has a lot of white going on.

Any takers?
White would be cool. What are the chances of having a different color font though? Like maybe a white hoodie with a nice green font? Sorta like snow covering the green fern trees. =D
I would get a WOY Hoddie in a heartbeat, I need some new GOOD hoodies, a Woods hoddie would do the trick! Support the idea.

I recently bought 2 shirts and since wearing then people have been asking about WOY and I am getting them all hyped for the new release. Everyone else kind of looks at it and eventually say " What does that say ? " and I respond and end up telling them how they need to check them out.

If they are made how much do you think the price would be David? ( just curious, will still get one regardless though )
I'd be more inclined to buy a white Woods hoodie simply because I don't own a white hoodie period - they're all black, gray, or another color.
Not bad... not bad... but what if you got 2? Would there be a discount or something? Like maybe in total just 65 or 60 instead of 70?