Woods of Ypres Live Videos Question


Sault Metal Scene Adm!n
Hey guys, just wondering if anyone on here knew if there was surviving Woods of Ypres concert footage online from 2004-2007 that you knew of? More specifically, their Toronto-based era, around the time of the "Woods II" release and before "Woods III" came out. David's YouTube channel doesn't cover that era at all for older video uploads, or at least it didn't before he died.

I know that era of the band didn't get a lot of attention from Dave after the doom metal shift (I can only think of a couple of songs from either "Woods II" or "Woods III" that were played live in their last tours), but does anyone recall if he perhaps deleted videos from the mid-2000s from YouTube, like he did with the "Northern Cold" music video? Maybe it's just too old for there to be plentiful examples, or I'm missing something obvious, but I figured you guys would be a good help!