Woods of Ypres on vinyl?

Dec 20, 2006
I'm sorry if this has been addressed before, but have there been any thoughts/plans of putting any (or all) of the Woods of Ypres releases on vinyl? I think the combination of the aesthetics of vinyl mixed with the aesthetics of the music would work wonderfully.
We have this on our list of thigs to do in 2008. The basic idea is all 3 Woods albums on vinyl in a '2002-2007: The First 5 Years" box set (in a wooden box of course) with a ton of extras and rare items. It will probably sell for about $100, limited to as few as 100 'copies'. We will not print any of our albums on vinyl to be sold individually. The only way to get them will be to buy the box set.

We have a few labels who specialize in metal on vinyl who have mentioned that they'd be intested in releasing this, but we'll see who helps to make it happen in the end. Expected release date is summer 2008.

Exciting shit, eh?

Dave, are you ever not doing something? Writing, playing shows, doing your job, shipping crap, on here... Jesus :p And that sounds awesome, I like the idea of the collector's box set thing, I know there'd be a ton of interest in that.