

-I am the cosmic storms-
Oct 17, 2002
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hooray...Nile is touring in tampa, like an hour from where I live. I just have no idea how much it costs or exactly when it starts. I tried ticketmaster, but that date isn't on there yet- Feb 16th. If anyone can help, please feel free to do so. (also, I havn't heard Napalm Death or the Berzerker, so let me know what they sound like).....thanx

:headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang: :headbang:
I've only heard one Nile song. It was okay. I'm not in a very "brutal hardcore technical death metal" mood right now or I'd check out some more of their stuff.

Napalm Death's alright, from what I've heard.

Dark Tranquillity = greatest band in metal.

and wtf is this "Berserker" everone talks about all of a sudden?
I have seen Nile live,and they are good, but you need to go just to see Dark Tranquillity. Dark Tranquillity is the only band that can give Opeth a run for talent AND originality.
yeah- my friend got to see Arch Enemy, Nile, Hate Eternal, and Origin live in Tampa a while ago...he wants to see Dark Tranquillity the most ,too
Originally posted by x_0PETH_x
yeah- my friend got to see Arch Enemy, Nile, Hate Eternal, and Origin live in Tampa a while ago...he wants to see Dark Tranquillity the most ,too

Your friend is a lucky motherfucker.

Napalm Death eats tallywacker. I (personally) think they stink. There are legions of others that would violently disagree however.
I saw Nile a few months ago and they were absolutely brilliant. Seriously. They are amazing live. The only band which beat them live in 2002 was Dream Theater. but that was mainly because my jaw was on the floow from start to finish :D

Mmmm...guitar, bass, keyboard, drum masturabation... :headbang:
What style? Um... maybe I should'nt be answering this since I don't listen to em much, but the one record I got from them can maybe best be described as "death-groove" (boy, if there was ever a shitty description, that's it right there). It's catchy, it's deathy, and there's some clean vocals mixed in there. Now that I think about it, "Cursed to Crawl" is a fucking awesome song.