Are NILE worth investing time in?

Short answer: Yes
Long answer: Fuck yeah!

Nile is a great band. They're probably the most creative of all the brutal death metal bands. All of their music is based on modes and scales that lend it a very egyptian sound, and the sound effects and occasional chanting add to that as well. It follows the brutal dm trends if super-fast riff salad, but it's actually very well composed, and the lyrics are incredibly well written, especially compared to other bands in the genre. It has a hypnotizing, chaotic flow to it that I love.
All of the above is 100% true, and the new album is less reliant on synths to produce the Egyptian atmosphere, as it is incorporated more into the riffs and music. Brilliant, epic stuff.
Just a thought...
Everyone keeps saying, it has an Egyptian feel to it?
Maybe I'm wrong... but how the heck does anyone know what Eqyptian music sounds like? There are no Egyptian left at least not the ones who built the pyramids (they died about 5,000-10,000 of years ago)... Please don't take my post too seriously, but I find this whole topic amusing...
I guess what everyone should really be saying is that Nile has taken some of what Iron Maiden did with Powerslave (our perceived perception of what Egyptian music sounds like).... and incorporated it into what would otherwise be pretty standard brutal death metal... It's ok in my opinion since they are trying something a bit different, but it gets rather repetious after a few listens to me.
I bought the new one a some days ago
and I most say that it is really good.
At first it was rather repetous I thought but on the third listen it all started to wear off
Originally posted by Monsterxman
Just a thought...
Everyone keeps saying, it has an Egyptian feel to it?
Maybe I'm wrong... but how the heck does anyone know what Eqyptian music sounds like? There are no Egyptian left at least not the ones who built the pyramids (they died about 5,000-10,000 of years ago)...
Of course, but what "we" mean is that Nile's music breaths Egyptian atmosphere, meaning that you almost see yourself walking "amongst the catacombs" when listening to the music and the sounds and alien instruments and choirs/ chants that they use definitely enhance that atmosphere.

BTW, I prefer BSOV over the new one, can't really get used to the production...
We have an idea of how Egyptian music sounds, based on two sources.

1. Music that has descended from that played by the Egyptians, having been passed down from generation to generation. It's obviously changed over the millenia, but it gives us an idea.

2. Archeologists have discovered ancient Egyptian musical notation. Whether or not we've been able to translate it correctly is open to debate, but it's still a good indication of what they played.
Originally posted by IcemanJ256
where is nile from anyways? ive never been into really brutal stuff, but this is sort of interesting.

South Carolina, USA, I believe... I know it's someplace you normally wouldn't expect a br00tal metal band to come from...
Originally posted by IcemanJ256
aw. It would be cooler if they were actually from Egypt or something. I dont like them anymore.

Why do you say that?:confused:

Even though that they are not from Eygpt, they have Eygptian influences in their music, and that is enough to like them.:headbang:
You know, the first time I showed BSOV to my friend, this was his reaction:

My friend: These guys are a fuckin death metal band that sings about Ancient Egypt?

Me: Yeah

My friend: That's fuckin scary. where are they from?

My other friend: Egypt

Me: No, they're from South Carolina.

My friend: that makes them even scarier.:D

Still haven't gotten the new one, but I have their other shit, and I've seen them live twice. they fucking rule. Hella nice guys,too.