
I'm going on jan 22.
I saw nile a couple years ago at the whiskey (they played right after my friends band) they seem ok from what i remember, but who i;m reallt going to see is Napalm Death & DT.
I saw Napalm Death before, they kick ass! They put on a really good show & have lots of energy. Curse all you who don't like them! Actually they are original in a sense because they've been around so long. They were the first "Extreme" metal band I heard about 12 years ago. This'll be my first time seeing DT live though, I can't wait.
Dark Tranquillity is absolutely AMAZING live. Seriously, when I saw the Sentenced/DT/Killswitch Engage/In Flames tour, Dark Tranquillity just totally stole the show. Mike Stanne has amazing energy, and he like narrates the songs with his body language, it's really amazing. Their bassist is pretty funny, too...