

Aug 17, 2005
I'm not really a fan of this style music but after listening to Once In A Lifetime,I completely changed my mind...wow these guys are fast and have great melodies, anyone else like them? New album coming out January 9th!


Awesome live pic at the front of their site^^^
They say I look exactly like sam totman when headbanging, I don't agree, though.
I don't like the music too much- it's too gay for my ears, and most of the songs sound the same...
juoppo said:
nah, dragonforce sucks like hell, you should listen bands like deathchain,sotajumala and torture killer \,,/

I Listen to them also. There's nothing wrong with variety.
The Soulforged said:
hey does anybody know why scottish peole where kilts?

Cause all the women love us, and it gets tiring to have to undo your zip every 10mins...Now we just lift it... Notice we don't wear underwear either?

2+2... bro
We wear kilts because of the reasons Gavin illustrated above. Also cause we like our nuts to stay fresh.

Dragonforce run around the stage. Its all incredibly gay. Decent band, just annoying at times.
Heavenscent said:
I will not comment on that, because it is the truth.
But it's still gay :lol:

Regret it nowadays... But i remember the good days, when you could like alexi for his talent and songwriting abilities...