Megaman 2: Bubble man level. game, set, match.
I always liked the Quickman music. Though that level was kind of annoying.
Megaman 2: Bubble man level. game, set, match.
dude... nes music is the SHNEZ. For real though, there's some awesome compositions on some games, clever stuff that goes unnoticed because it was for a game. Some of the coolest melodies and progressions i know come from video games!
Megaman X - Storm Eagle level.
Ultimate VG music.
I have heard that they kick ass live, i'm not a massive fan but i enjoy some of their songs. I guess i will have to wait and see what theya re like for myself, so i will be watching them in May
The hyperspeed calliope Mega-Man-2-on-meth guitars aren't the problem - it's amazing musicianship
so i will be watching them in May
Megaman 2: Bubble man level. game, set, match.
Awesome See you there
You won't be disappointed... one seriously crazy (in the amazing sense, not the psycho bitch sense) band live...