DragonForce and Trivium in Terrorizer - a few things worthy of discussion


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
I quickly scanned through this month's Terrorizer. Just a couple of things worth mentioning....

I'm obviously completely out the loop when it comes to DragonForce. They only emerged in 2002 and now they're touring Europe with EDGUY IN SUPPORT (or listed as "special guests")? When did they get this big?

ALBUM OF THE MONTH: DragonForce "Inhuman Rampage" 9/10

To this day, I have NEVER heard a DragonForce tune, no shit.

OK on to Trivium...

Each month Terrorizer invites artists to listen to random metal classic albums and they have to guess who the artist is.

Now remember, the whole image behind Trivium is that they're a modern metal band paying massive tribute to "old school" metal bands. In their own words, they ARE NOT METALCORE and wear their Overkill and Darkthrone shirts with pride.

So here's their response to the following albums:


And it continues with other artists, although to give them credit they did guess DEATH, DARKTHRONE, and DEICIDE, but you know, even my 4 year old would recognize those bands.

Then something very interesting happens. One of the Trivium guys starts to talk about his BLACK METAL side-band, hahaha....to their PR Agent's dismay. Can you believe that? Trivium will only meet with Terrorizer with their PR agents in tow, and they can help dictate their interview answers.

OK, I'll quit here because I'll always recognize Trivium for being the only band at OzzFest to publicly denounce what Sharon did to Maiden, but I still thought it was funny that we still have pseudo rockstars in the metal 'underground'.

P.S. OPETH were rated best band by readers.

P.P.S. Best live band was STILL Iron Maiden, and best frontman was still Bruce Dickinson.
DragonForce fucking rules, but warning: people either LOVE them or fucking HATE them.

On a semi-related note, I just listened to a CD by a band called Demoniac. Turns out it was a black/thrash band featuring 3 members of what went on to become DragonForce. Yay!
<<Then something very interesting happens. One of the Trivium guys starts to talk about his BLACK METAL side-band, hahaha....to their PR Agent's dismay. Can you believe that? Trivium will only meet with Terrorizer with their PR agents in tow, and they can help dictate their interview answers.

OK, I'll quit here because I'll always recognize Trivium for being the only band at OzzFest to publicly denounce what Sharon did to Maiden, but I still thought it was funny that we still have pseudo rockstars in the metal 'underground'.>>

LOL...this certainly brings their sincerity into question (or destroys it entirely) and leaves no doubt that they're a commercially groomed band hellbent on ass-kissing their way into the public eye...impossible to take seriously, just like Dragonforce.
doesn't make the solos or the band in general any less annoying though.

when i want metal that isn't afraid to have fun, i listen to Goat Horn. and so should everyone!
lizard said:
I like dragonforce cause it's cheese with a gigantic fucking wink

They aren't trying to be "scary" or anything, it's just all about fun, something metal could use a little more of
totally, i feel exactly the same

and wow, about trivium, just wow. those ass-kissing wanna-be-rockstars are now officially on my shit list.
Dragonforce is possibly one of the worst bands that came out in the past years. I never heard one of their albums, but i saw them supporting Angra here about a year ago, they were the laugh of the century and their music should be the sound definition for the word "senseless". "They are fun", so what and since when that alone is a credit for a band's music? They are successfull only because of HUGE promotion and big advertisments with silly comments about their "music".