Terrorizer #114 (Stampin Ground cover)

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
So I just got the new Terrorizer. It is packed with awesome stuff, but I just had to share a few highlights (since I don't have any friends in the real world).

1) Mithras - Worlds Beyond the Veil recieves 10/10. The review says this about it: "With their second album, they have just delivered probably the best release of any artist in the UK, of any genre of music - ever.

2) Akercocke - Choronzone gets co-album of the month (along with Mithras obviously). They recieve a 9/10.

3) Anathema - A Natural Disaster gets 9/10, saying " . . . it's great to have them back on form."

4) Mistress - II: The Chronovisor gets 9/10.

5) Burst - Prey on Life gets 8.5/10

6) Machine Head - Through the Ashes of Empires gets 8.5/10 and has this to say: "Welcome home, Machine Head!" This new album is supposed to rival 'Burn My Eyes'. One of my all time favorite metal albums. Apparently they left behind the nu-metal tendencies from the recent years.

7) Old Man Gloom - Chirstmas Eve I & II gets 8.5/10

Anyway . . . I've got to get this Mithras album. The review says they will stand alongside bands like Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Metallica, and Morbid Angel. Holy crap!
I've actually heard that Mithras is nothing special. Remember this, Terrorizer likes to give good scores to English bands. Just look at Akercocke and Anathema.

They also go through stages where they give a set genre all good scores. A few years ago it was noisecore with bands like Isis, Converge, and Old Man Gloom. Just this past year they fell in love with stoner doom like Electric Wizard, Place of Skulls, and bands of that ilk.
Dreamlord said:
I've actually heard that Mithras is nothing special.
Where did you hear this? I have to say, I've never heard a bad word said about it. I've not heard it enough to make a final decision on it myself - it's definitely not the sort of album that grabs you on first listen, but that's not such a bad thing I guess.
I'm considering picking this up because I've been hearing about Mithras through the grapevine since I saw 'em in Terrorizer back in February and when a small band like that gets plugged out of the blue from all different places I think one has to sit up and take notice...
I have to admit that I've completely loved every album Terrorizer gave a 10/10 to. The only ones I can think of off hand are:

Old Man Gloom - Seminars II & III
Aborym - Fire Walk With Us!
Electric Wizard - Let Us Prey
They also gave a 10/10 to Drowningman - Rock N Roll Killing Machine.

I didn't like Electric Wizard. And I highly doubt Mithras will be remembered as fondly as Black Sabbath.

Stampin' Ground and Raging Speedhorn are more bands Terrorizer likes to praise, both are English, and Stampin' Ground's former bassist writes for Terrorizer.
Dreamlord said:
And I highly doubt Mithras will be remembered as fondly as Black Sabbath.
But you haven't even heard it yet? Why so cynical? Of course nobody will be like Sabbath, but why go into Mithras hoping to dislike it just so you can disagree with the hype?!!
I'm not attacking Mithras, I'm attacking this: "With their second album, they have just delivered probably the best release of any artist in the UK, of any genre of music - ever."

No, I haven't heard it yet.
Yeah, that is indeed friggin' nuts. You might like the album though. I bet npearce will fucking love it. If he wants a bit of Morbid Angel transcending to the solar ecplise of the moons of Saturn then this could be his ticket to ride.
What crackpot wrote that review anyway, npearce?

He is saying that that album is better than anything Black Sabbath released, and Iron Maiden (although I'm not a fan), and The Beatles.
JayKeeley said:
Where did you hear this? I have to say, I've never heard a bad word said about it.
This is what I read about it. From www.digitalmetal.com:

"Basically, what you have here is an English version of Nile, without the precision or polish..."

""Wrath of God" dripps and oozes in spirit of Morbid Angel's slower material, even though it lacks the finishing polish to make it truly outstanding. The next song "As the Wind Blows" is quandary for me. It's a nice alternating lumbering/blasting song, but it couldn't sound more like Nile if it had Ramses as a guest musician."

"Either way, this album is by no means original, nor as awe-inspiring as Nile, Origin, Morbid Angel..."

THe review was kinda middle-of-the-road. The "Roman" thing sounds interesting, though.
The review is by Stuart Banks, who does some good writing in this issue. If I posted the enitire review, you would see that he knows his statement will be disputed, but it is more of a statement to make people recognize (like the inner city youth like to say). Anyway, he does a good job of describing why this album should get a 10/10.

Terrorizer does have a hard bias for British stuff, but they have left behind British crap like Cradle of Filth. They also haven't given top honors for the year to a British band in any of the 5 or so years that I've been reading Terrorizer.

I think the new Akercocke is WAY out there for the band as well. The review in Terrorizer points out that this album will probably make them or break them.

The new Anathema deserves 9/10. Terrorizer ripped 'A Fine Day to Exit'. So it's not like they worship everything British.

By the way, Elecitric Wizard is AWESOME doom.
If you're going to support the small labels, support the Mithras label, Golden Lake Productions, out of Scotland. They'll sell you Mithras for $8 incl. shipping (unless you're already getting the promo of course).
JayKeeley said:
If you're going to support the small labels, support the Mithras label, Golden Lake Productions, out of Scotland. They'll sell you Mithras for $8 incl. shipping (unless you're already getting the promo of course).
Shit! I just paid $10.50 from a store on EBAY.
npearce said:
Terrorizer does have a hard bias for British stuff, but they have left behind British crap like Cradle of Filth.
Not true.

Midian - 7.5 (excellent)
Damnation and a Day - 7.5 (excellent)
Lovecraft and Witch Hearts - 6 (good)
Bitter Suites to Succubi - 8 (excellent)

They also haven't given top honors for the year to a British band in any of the 5 or so years that I've been reading Terrorizer.
Carcass' 'Necroticism' got the highest honor of all, as The Best Album of the Nineties.

The new Anathema deserves 9/10. Terrorizer ripped 'A Fine Day to Exit'. So it's not like they worship everything British.
A Fine Day to Exit got a 7.5, which means excellent.

By the way, Elecitric Wizard is AWESOME doom.
I couldn't get into them. I'm diggin' on Church of Misery, though.