Terrorizer - December 2003


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
A few things:

#1. Terrorizer were invited to the Edguy album launch party in Stuttgart. What a wasted invite. How comes Nuclear Blast didn't invite people who actually like the band, like me??! :loco: Anyway, interestingly enough, this is what Terrorizer had to say:

"The thing about Edguy is that they're context aware, as opposed to clueless. Plus, there is no way we can play down their ability and musicianship, or the fact that each and every song on the album (as well as a newly exposed EP) is based on at least one totally massive riff that is guaranteed to slay live".

Just unbelievable this coming from Terrorizer!!! Anyway, the wait for this EP, album, and US tour is killing me.

#2. EXODUS - Tempo of the Damned. Phenomenal write up, saying it's their best since Bonded with Blood. Anyway, has this been leaked already? Last week at Helloween, someone said they'd already heard this. I don't even have the promo yet. :(

#3. Album of the Month...*drum roll*.....MEADS OF ASPHODEL - Exhuming the Grave of Yeshua. But we knew this info already because Supernal Music announced this back in October on their home page. So how far ahead are Terrorizer writing up their reviews?? Damn. Anyway, the album got a good write up and a score of 9/10.

And yep Dreamlord, MEADS are British! Hehehe....your theory could be coming true.
two English bands in a row, hahaha

If anyone is interested in buying some Terrorizer back issues, let me know. I'll sell 'em for $4.50 a piece p/p (postage costs $2.67).

I also have some Unrestrained back issues if anyone wants 'em.
I've got #108, the first Thrash Special. Sorry, no CD with it.

If anyone wants that Thrash Special, let me know.

THese are the ones I have left:

#91 - Akercocke cover
#96 - Punk Issue; Reader's Poll; Writer's Top 40 of 2001
#99 - Glen Danzig with gothic chicks on cover
#101 - Prog Issue with Akerfeldt and Garm on cover
#102 - Nile on cover
#107 - The Haunted on cover
#108 - Thrash Special Part One; Anthrax guitarist on cover
#111 - Arch Enemy cover
#113 - Morbid Angel cover

Unrestrained issues:

#15 - Black Metal special entitled "The Art of Black Metal: Where It's From and Where It's Headed" Zyklon cover
#16 - Special Swedish Scene Report (Opeth, Katatonia, etc) Absu cover
#17 - Emperor cover
#18 - Pungent Stench cover
#19 - Today is the Day cover
#20 - Napalm Death cover
#21 - The Haunted cover

If interested, just let me know
Hey I'd like that Danzig issue, and do you have the one with Bill Steer? He was supposed to be interviewed in the Morbid Angel one I bought but wasn't. :mad:
The Danzig issue is yours then. Bill Steer was interviewed in #112, with Zyklon on the cover. Morbid Angel is issue #113
Tits. I'll send you $4.50 via Paypal then.

EDIT: Do you still have that Rorschach CD? I'll take that too if so. How much total?
NAD said:
Tits. I'll send you $4.50 via Paypal then.

EDIT: Do you still have that Rorschach CD? I'll take that too if so. How much total?
Oh, just saw this. Just send $12.

THe Rorschach is like new. Only listened to maybe 3-4 times. It has their complete discography. 31 songs.