Terrorizer #118 (Mayhem cover)

Nate The Great

What would Nathan do?
May 10, 2002
Well . . . the big news is that Jonathan Selzer is back as the editor. He is a large part of what made Terrorizer the best metal mag in the world. It's not really like the magazine had gone down hill in the year or so that he was MIA; it's just that small changes were coming about that didn't exactly help Terrorizer's cause. Apparently Jonathan Selzer "parted ways" with a few of the recent Terrorizer staff. All for the better, I'm sure.

The immediate difference I see is the Album of the Month:

Watain - Casus Luciferi 9/10

They are relatively unknown, but Terrorizer still took the perogative to give them this honor. This is what Terrorizer was good for in the past. They helped catapult such obscure bands (obscure at the time) as Aborym, Old Man Gloom, and Akercocke.

Anyway . . . the new issue is worth the money. It has features on Xasthur, Watain, Mayhem, The End, Amen, Hypocrisy, and many more.

Jeez . . . you'd think I was in charge of public relations for them or something.
OK . . . so Terrorizer is the best metal magazine I can actually find on a newstand. Plus, the argument of why Terrorizer sucks or rules has been done more times than commandante's ass.
HUGE problem with Unrestrained. They're like 8 months late to all releases. Fuck that crud. Two issues ago they managed to get round to a Darkthrone feature for Hate Them. Last issue was Morbid Angel for Heretic. Pfft I say, pfft.

Even though the US gets Terrorizer one month late, they're still so ahead of the game, all the info is still relevant for a US readership.

BW&BK went down the pan. This months special is on Soulfly. Front cover feature. :ill:
Nate The Great said:
The argument of why Terrorizer sucks or rules has been done more times than commandante's ass.
Hell yeah, it is almost as funny as this... Not quite but almost...
Watch out Nate. If you piss him off too much he might go strap explosives to himself and try and suicide bomb us over the internet :loco:
Back to the new Terrorizer:

They have a very fair and very positive review of the new Into Eternity (7.5/10).

They also have a well done review of the new In Flames (6.5/10). Nothing positive in the review, but the criticism is constructive and VERY true. It's probably the best I've seen so far. Very professional.

Oh . . . and that new Watain album is called "The Dissection 'Storm of the Light's Bane' of our time."

I just ordered it from Moribund.
Nate The Great said:
They have a very fair and very positive review of the new Into Eternity (7.5/10).
Yeah, I can see that. It's just too run of the mill for Terrorizer writers I'm sure. Most people who don't stray into complete insanity on a regular basis will have this in their top 10 lists by year end, no doubt. It is still the album to beat, IMO.

Likewise, Terrorizer (or should I say, one of their writers) gave the latest King Diamond a 5/10 or something. That is crazy - in the world of "heavy metal", that is a modern day classic IMO, and certainly worthy of a 7 or 8 minimum, even for their abnormal standards.

Oh well...my point is, I would never look to Terrorizer first for reviews on the 'straight and narrow' bands.

They also have a well done review of the new In Flames (6.5/10).
I think that's slightly higher than what Papa Josh gave it. [Review Pending]. :D