Terrorizer #114 (Stampin Ground cover)

Yeah, it's better than Crimson II. It's hovering around the 7 or 8 / 10 right now. I'm going to review it tonight, provided I'm in a good mood after the Dolphins slaughter whoever the hell they're playing. If they lose I'll do Single Bullet Theory instead, there are some truly painful moments on that CD. :grin:

And yeah, you need to make me the power metal compilation! No tapes though, the only tape players I have are junk. Whenever you get a chance, or when your computer is feeling better. :loco:
NAD said:
Yeah, it's better than Crimson II. It's hovering around the 7 or 8 / 10 right now.
Well, your score for C2 is 7/10 so that's why I figured an 8...unless of course you want to lower your C2 score. Just lemme know, bro.

I'll def do those CD-R's for you (Mithras, PM compilation, and a very cool live bootleg of Radiohead playing NYC on the OK Computer tour).
I'm have to try and get this Mithras review done by tonight. They just played the Camden Underworld in London recently...damn I miss that venue...anyway, check out this live report summary from live4metal:

"That brings us to Mithras, a band that have new album Worlds Beyond The Veil getting 10 out of 10 in Terrorizer and the words, “they have just delivered probably the best release of any artist, in the UK, of any genre of music ever”. Now if you were aware of the nepotism that is involved here you would be as outraged by this as us. Not going into the finer details it is suffice to say that in a way I really wanted Mithras to suck! I caught them once before and this time was pleased that Rayner and his merry men were not wearing silly monks habits. The 6-minute intro was frankly a bit preposterous, but once they finally stopped posing to it and actually played it was evident that this is a band that certainly have something worthy of laudation. Tracks such as Bequeath Thy Visions were a venomous display of technicality and were (and I don’t use this word loosely) awesome and did indeed have jaws hitting the floor with a clunk. Certainly there are labels (and I’m talking big ones) out there that should be frothing at the mouth to sign this lot. They oozed with cold atmospherics and some solos that would have made Mr Azagthoth blush."

I tell ya, when I hear this CD, it really makes me want to see them live with all the strobes and shit. It's pretty trippy.
npearce said:
Still waiting for my Mithras.
Ugh, damn those eBay shops. I'm rather curious as to how you'll like them, although I'm sure it will never live up to that review. Having said that, I've not actually read the review myself. If you ever get really bored, you could always type the review out here. That would rule. :cool: