Man, I fucking hated that. I knew these people were full of shit before the album came out, but once it did come out what followed was disgusting. "Metallica are back!!!!!" - what the fuck?!?! Metallica are back with the worst album to be released this millenium, anyone with two ears and one brain can figure out it's nowhere near the standards of days gone by. Even worse was the "they have returned to their roots!" bollocks. Anyone who actually listened to the old album knows that this is an outright lie, so either these people are deaf, stupid, don't actually have the old albums and are just swallowing the band's/magazines bullshit, or just outright lying. I found it quite sickening that there were fanboys out there who needed to lie in order to justify their waste of money and desperate attempts to look Metal, and not quite realising what epitomes of pathetic fanboydom they were...