MITHRAS - excerpts from the Terrorizer review

Okay, I've got both Mithras albums, and each has had a couple of listens (but will receive many more), but hear are my initial thoughts:

THeir intros and ambient tracks are well executed. I like intros and outros and "intermission" tracks, but they tend to drag with Mithras.

The drummer is quite good, but yeah, he likes Morbid Angel.

All in all, the band writes good death metal, and I like both albums because of that. Is this the death metal band of the 00's? Possibly, but highly doubtful, it all depends on their next album.

Did Worlds Beyond the Veil live up to the hype in my eyes (and ears)? Not really. Good yes, but unless further listens reveal something extraordinary, I don't see myself listening to these guys often.

Mithras also remind me of Zyklon.
The highlight is the guitar solos, and Worlds Beyond the Veil took me awhile to really appreciate them. But now since they've clicked, my head is thrown into this bizarre not quite headbanging, not quite spazzing out movements whenever I hear them. Pretty cool really.

From what I've heard, I'd say Nile - In Their Darkened Shrines is the best death metal of the 00's so far.
over 4 years later, ive come around with these guys. the guitar solos are amazing, and the ambient type tracks are haunting. the vocals need some work but overall WBtV and the new one are very good.
Wasn't it discovered after a fairly short period of time that the Terrorizer review of 'Worlds Beyond The Veil' was written by a significant other/family member/some other nepotistic connection to one of the band members? Man, that was a hilariously over-the-top review. I do rate that album, although I probably only listen to it on average every six months or so. Each time I'm pretty blown away, but then that particular itch has been scratched, and I go off and listen to other things.