DragonForce and Trivium in Terrorizer - a few things worthy of discussion

lizard said:
I like dragonforce cause it's cheese with a gigantic fucking wink

They aren't trying to be "scary" or anything, it's just all about fun, something metal could use a little more of
General Zod said:
I don't think they, or anyone associated with them, ever suggested that they were paying homage to Burzum. And for the record, it does sound like it was recorded on a $5 budget.

Maybe not directly to Burzum per se, but the scene in general. Put it this way, I don't think there are many Darkthrone fans that would disassociate themselves from Burzum for having poor production quality. Just a hunch.

[FYI, in dismissing Burzum's "Key to the Gate" -- "I couldn't tell if that was black or death metal!" etc -- they immediately flipped into cartwheels when recognizing the following track, "Transilvanian Hunger" by Darkthrone].

the only way they'd know who Death, Darkthrone and Deicide are, is if they actually grew up listening to that shit. It's not like they would have heard it on the radio or MTV.

Well, they're being groomed by PR bigwigs -- they've probably been handed some select listening requirements by their PR and image consultants for press publicity and homework. (Someone probably couldn't find a Burzum CD for them to memorize, or more probably, it wouldn't do Trivium any good to publicly show knowledge of any NS related artists).

Like you say, "had I invested the time, money and resources into a bunch of kids that Roadrunner has, I'd want to protect my investment as well". Exactly right, which of course makes them a manufactured BOY BAND.

It's just funny when you piece the clues together, that's all.
JayKeeley said:
Like you say, "had I invested the time, money and resources into a bunch of kids that Roadrunner has, I'd want to protect my investment as well". Exactly right, which of course makes them a manufactured BOY BAND.


There are plenty of bands who have a decent sum of cash invested in them by labels. They're not coddled by said labels, why is Trivium?
MadeInNewJersey said:
TULLY, have you heard Demoniac?

It's 3 of the guys who would go on to form DragonForce, only somehow faster and with deathrash vocals. I think you'd release your manjuice over it.

Hell yea, I love Demoniac. And that band Mike sent me MP3's of Bewitched (i think) are fuckin similar and kickass to.
It's fairly easy for someone to know about Death/Darkthrone/Deicide. They're known bands. I've spoken to many non metalfans and they always say "Oh, so you listen to stuff like deicide and cannible corpse?". People just associate metal the most widely known band.

Screw Trivium.
Lamb of God and Trivium have NOTHING in common. Lamb of God started out touring with bands like Today is the Day and a bunch of death metal bands. Metalcore hadn't really taken off yet.

Trivium is managed by the singers DADDY. Trivium is strictly a money-making band. They're the equivalent of a metal boy-band. Seriously.

I can tolerate a fair amount of metalcore, but Trivium wears me out after about 30 seconds. His hardcore vocals are TERRIBLE. If you stuck to clean vocals or adopted some metal vocals, they would be much better.

How can they possibly say they aren't metalcore? They're the DEFINITION of metalcore.
JayKeeley said:
Nate - did you check out the Ramma Gay sample I posted? I know you like Megadeth so I'm curious about what you think.

Just listened. Yes, it's good, but I like power metal vocals about as much as you like hardcore vocals. I can't stand that nasally thing they all have going on. Nevermore is basically a darker version (and a better version) of Gammay Ray, but the vocals add anger and emotion that normal power metal vocals just don't . . . for me at least.

I can honestly say I like some of the later Nightwish, though. But look at the vocals there . . . no nasalness.
JayKeeley said:
Well, they're being groomed by PR bigwigs -- they've probably been handed some select listening requirements by their PR and image consultants for press publicity and homework.
Any thoughts on who shot Kennedy?:loco:

How many additional CDs do you think they're selling by having some knowledge of Darkthrone? Do you really think the folks at Roadrunner believes that tr00 and kvlt Metal fans are going to buy a Trivium CD because Trivium was able to recognize a Darkthrone song during a Revolver listening session? Who even buys CDs based on what a band CLAIMS their influences are? The suggestion that their roots are fabricated strikes me as quite silly.

JayKeeley said:
Like you say, "had I invested the time, money and resources into a bunch of kids that Roadrunner has, I'd want to protect my investment as well". Exactly right, which of course makes them a manufactured BOY BAND.
The fact that the label wants to do what they can, to make sure Trivium's career stays on an upward slope, hardly makes them a boy band. Are you under the impression that Maiden doesn't have management and PR people?

This idea that they "claim" to be Metal, for some reason other than that's how they actually view themselves, is completely absurd. Why would they possibly do that? Perhaps their trying to court all the millions and millions of fans that have helped Burzum sell ten million CDs? Maybe their hoping to draw from that enormous well of fandom that's allowed Emperor to do a football stadium tour of the US. If anything, "claiming to be Metal" probably hurts them more than it helps them.

You can't compare Maiden to Trivium, Greg, for the reasons I posted earlier. LOTS of bands have PR & Management. The difference being that those bands are hand-held and coddled like it seems Trivium is. Can you imagine someone at Sanctuary (Maiden's management group, btw) telling them what to do? Yeah, that'd go over well.

No, claiming to be metal and listening to Darkthrone is just a way of targetting 2 audience groups: "HOT TOPIC" and "UNDERGROUND". It doesn't necessarily sell more records, BUT IT ADDS CREDIBILITY. Nobody wants to be marketed as the next Korn or P.O.D. because that scene backfired.

"The fact that the label wants to do what they can, to make sure Trivium's career stays on an upward slope, hardly makes them a boy band."

Sure it does. It means someone else is doing all the thinking.

As for, "Who even buys CDs based on what a band CLAIMS their influences are?"

Oh god yes, that's very important to me. In fact, sometimes I even read through the credits in CD's just to see what else the band listens to. EDIT: And then I'll go explore those bands too.