DragonForce and Trivium in Terrorizer - a few things worthy of discussion

Nate The Great said:
Just listened. Yes, it's good, but I like power metal vocals about as much as you like hardcore vocals. I can't stand that nasally thing they all have going on.

It's really close to Dave Mustaine -- granted there are people that don't like his snarl -- but I knew you were a big 'Deth fan so...
General Zod said:
Who even buys CDs based on what a band CLAIMS their influences are?

Why do you think Camel and Sol Invictus are so popular among the metal scene? Probably because Opeth and Agalloch cited them as influences. That's my guess anyhow.
I bought the latest Trivium because I saw them wearing Darkthrone and Overkill shirts. I also saw a lot of good reviews of it (this was a year ago or so). I listened to most of it once, and immediately sold it.
MadeInNewJersey said:
The difference being that those bands are hand-held and coddled like it seems Trivium is. Can you imagine someone at Sanctuary (Maiden's management group, btw) telling them what to do? Yeah, that'd go over well.
I'm not suggesting that Maiden's label or PR people handhold them these days. But who knows how they were handled when they first started.

JayKeeley said:
No, claiming to be metal and listening to Darkthrone is just a way of targetting 2 audience groups: "HOT TOPIC" and "UNDERGROUND".
I grasp what you're saying, I just think you're wrong.

JayKeeley said:
"The fact that the label wants to do what they can, to make sure Trivium's career stays on an upward slope, hardly makes them a boy band."

Sure it does. It means someone else is doing all the thinking.
I guess that makes Ozzy a member of a boy band?

JayKeeley said:
As for, "Who even buys CDs based on what a band CLAIMS their influences are?"

Oh god yes, that's very important to me.In fact, sometimes I even read through the credits in CD's just to see what else the band listens to. EDIT: And then I'll go explore those bands too.
So if you read that such and such a band is influenced by Agalloch, you're going to buy their CD without having heard a note from them, or having read a single review? That's strange.

IOfTheStorm said:
Lamb Of God is a very good band, and a different case from Trivium. Its music sounds more genuine. I can't imagine how could anyone (especially into thrash) would not like L.O.G.
you just lost all your credibility here
Erik said:
google searching for "burzum" and "trivium" returns 1,900,000 and 2,300,000 results respectively.
Keep in mind a few things:

1. Many of those Burzum hits are probably due to everything that went on surrounding that band, and not because of the popularity of their music alone.

2. Burzum has been around ten times longer than Trivium.

3. While Trivium has garnered success by Metal standards, they're still relatively underground in the big scheme of things.

General Zod said:
3. While Trivium has garnered success by Metal standards, they're still relatively underground in the big scheme of things.

Not really Greg.

Heck, it was you who pointed out to me that they were the Yahoo! "hot group" of the month a few months back. Yahoo! if you weren't aware, gets over 35 million hits per month.

They've been featured in Rolling Stone, Metal Hammer & Kerrang! (the very bastion of "popular" crap overseas), NME, Spin, on MTV2, Headbangers Ball, Much Music, etc.

In other forums, I see kids who "think" they know metal tossing around Trivium's name like it's something hot or cool. Like I said earlier, if they wind up being someone's "gateway drug" to better things, fantastic. But I can't stand how they've been pushed to the moon as the "next big thing."
J. said:
Why do you think Camel and Sol Invictus are so popular among the metal scene? Probably because Opeth and Agalloch cited them as influences. That's my guess anyhow.
That's the exact opposite. Your talking about a successfull band crediting their influences, and driving up the sales of their influences. The Trivium deal is supposedly about them them trying to drive up their own sales by citing stating false influences.

MadeInNewJersey said:
Like I said earlier, if they wind up being someone's "gateway drug" to better things, fantastic. But I can't stand how they've been pushed to the moon as the "next big thing."
I don't have a problem with people not liking them. Hell, I don't even care when people shit on Nevermore. I merely find it odd that people want to challenge the idea that their music is influenced by Metal. It makes me wonder if they've actually ever sat down and listened to a Trivium CD.

I don't think anyone is really challenging that per se. I think it's mostly that many people - myself included - scoff at their self-proclaimed notion that they're not metalcore. As Nate (I think) said, they're the very definition of metalcore.