DragonForce and Trivium in Terrorizer - a few things worthy of discussion

General Zod said:
I guess that makes Ozzy a member of a boy band?
i have only barely more respect for ozzy these days than i do for trivium, my friend. and that respect rests solely on past accomplishments, which have been almost wholly eclipsed by his breathtaking descent into mtv hell.
MadeInNewJersey said:
, I just listened to a CD by a band called Demoniac. Turns out it was a black/thrash band featuring 3 members of what went on to become DragonForce. Yay!

i never realised that, my mate Chris from Adorior played bass on tour for them, fairly mental bastards from what I was told. must have gone a bit more serious

I've never heard trivium
...wonder what I'm missing
These "pop" bands that have been "influenced" by undergroung metal come along every few years. The first I can remember was Slipknot. They were really big on telling everybody to listen to Carcass and Morbid Angel and so on. There's nothing wrong with these bands. It's just that Trivium sucks. Plus, they were clearly influenced by other bands before they started listening to Darkthrone and so on.


NP: Three 6 Mafia - Da Unbreakables
Haha, they try so fucking hard to be accepted as TR00 METALZ or at least knowledgable in that area, and anyone who denies that is fucking retarded. They do it, its obvious, they do it to seem cool, and thats also obvious. Is this really an argument?
MadeInNewJersey said:
I don't think anyone is really challenging that per se.
I think they are.

MadeInNewJersey said:
As Nate (I think) said, they're the very definition of metalcore.
Translation - I've never heard the whole CD.

The ONLY thing Core about this band, is some of the vocals. I've always believed (and have heard others on this board say similarly) it's the musical style that defines what genre a band gets lumped into. Musically, these guys are Metal. I don't even see where it's debatable.

I must agree with Zod. The music they play is metal, but they use metalcorish vocals. Btw, even if their music is metal doesn't mean it's necessarily good, but it's not what we're discussing here right?

edit: btw, wearing metal shirts don't make you metal. I don't own any, and I don't consider being less metal than anyone else. Actually, I think all this "who's more metal" stuff is pretty stupid.
General Zod said:
I think they are.

Translation - I've never heard the whole CD.

The ONLY thing Core about this band, is some of the vocals. I've always believed (and have heard others on this board say similarly) it's the musical style that defines what genre a band gets lumped into. Musically, these guys are Metal. I don't even see where it's debatable.


From what I've heard, they're the exact same mix of Swedish melodeath, Iron Maiden-inspired leads & crunchy thrash riffs BLENDED FULLY WITH BREAKDOWNS, etc. like 1 million other crappy metalcore bands do, i.e. As I Lay Dying, Black Dahlia Murder, etc., et al.

Swedish melodeathcore is the new nu-metal. Awful.
How can Trivium NOT be metalcore? They sound like metal most of the time, but they have plenty of hardcore breakdowns. A combination of metal and hardcore would be METALCORE.

I get tired of people saying practically every band I recommend is metalcore, but at least I can spot it when I hear it.
Before this thread spirals, I just wanna make it clear -- the debate is more about whether Trivium are the "real deal", and it has *nothing* to do with their music.

I have NEVER heard a single note played by Trivium, but that doesn't change a single thing about what's been posted here. It's entirely possible that I might think Trivium are the next best thing to sliced bread...

...but to stay on topic:

- not liking Burzum for its production quality but being high on Darkthrone? Hmm. They do appear to know their Death and Morbid Angel though, I'll give them that
- PR agents sitting in on interviews?
- PR agents re-routing answers or shying away from Trivium discussing their side-band (POPULOUS INFERNO) in any detail
- "Label protecting their investment" and grooming the band image
- trying to win "credibility" by wearing Mayhem shirts

I'm not stating any facts here, just offering food for thought. Why isn't it possible that we could be dealing with something that's been entirely manufactured by Roadrunner a la N Synch? Why wouldn't those same marketing principles apply to mallcore teenagers?
this trivium track is pretty fucking boring

generic + poncy riffing
shit vocals
standard everyband production (probably cost a lot)
fairly standard shite

sounds like bad power metal to me without the skills

bands like this will use anything they can for credibility
its just like anthrax or metallica using discharge, misfits or agnostic front
the diference being they actually liked them the bigger diference being they were doing something extraordinary - bands like trivium are not

every so called metalcore band I've heard in recent times has been fucking horrible , they can only appeal to kids because the kids have yet to delve into past music and see that its just regurgitation

I don't really include slipknot in this because they had actually been in extreme bands and do actually have genuine aggression when they play, lamb of god are a good band too

this trivium shit + its ilk has no balls
wow, that trivium track is fucking BAD

normally i tend to think i have a relatively narrower definition of "metalcore"; i scratch my head in confusion when i hear people refer to bands like lamb of god and black dahlia murder as metalcore...i just don't hear it.

but this there should be no confusion about, if anyone says they aren't metalcore they obviously don't understand the definition of metalcore (sorry zod).