Trivium: No Eggs for Maiden!

Demilich said:
talking shit about the guy who's tour you're on = asking for trouble

Yep, but I think it's exaggerated. Or at least, when we saw them (on this tour), he didn't say a word about Ozzy.

thinking Maiden deserves to be held on a pedestal 'cause they did so much for True Metal = stupid

Really? I always respect those that did something innovative or revolutionary, regardless of whether they're in the limelight anymore or not. I remember when Metallica were asked to headline the Monsters of Rock festival with AC/DC supporting.....needless to say, they told the event organizers to fuck off and in no way should any band come on AFTER AC/DC.

And quite fucking right too.

sharon saying things about bruce = annoying, but hey, we all know she's a bitch, and it's her tour, so let her say what she wants

Actually, the only people who lose out are those that paid for a ticket to see the show. Imagine having paid for a ticket, perhaps specifically to see Maiden, only to have their set sabotaged by the head honcho.

At minimum, all those ticket holders should have had their money refunded. If it's a free show, Sharon can do what she likes.