Trivium: No Eggs for Maiden!

General Zod

Ruler of Australia
May 1, 2001
New Jersey
I thought this story was funny. And since I think Trivium is one of only newer Metal bands that has promise, I think it's cool that they're not dicks like the rest of the crap bands on Ozzfest:

In the latest issue of Metal Hammer, TRIVIUM's Matt Heafy and Corey Beaulieu discuss the Ozzfest debacle in San Bernardino which culminated in IRON MAIDEN being pelted with eggs while performing and Sharon Osbourne publicly berating the group's lead singer, Bruce Dickinson, as "a prick."

When TRIVIUM played in Albuquerque following the San Bernardino incident, all the bandmembers wore IRON MAIDEN shirts. It was their way of making a point. "All the bands and all the crews knew what we were trying to say," Heafy stated.

"There were gangs of people from the bands on the second stage [where TRIVIUM also performed] trying to recruit people to throw eggs at MAIDEN. Man, I wouldn't dare throw
anything at MAIDEN, not even money. I watched them from right at the front at one show and I did everything, every gesture, that Bruce asked of the crowd. I was too afraid not to. That's how commanding that band are, that's the kind of presence they have. And people want me to throw eggs at them? Fuck off!"

"You should have seen those people down the front throwing shit," added Beaulieu. "It was disgusting. I mean, Kelly Osbourne was there, and she was throwing eggs. Then I read that she said she was in London. She's a fucking liar. She wasn't in London, she was right there throwing shit. She couldn't even take any responsibility for what she'd done."

"And when we wore the MAIDEN shirts in Albuquerque, Big Dave [the PA announcer who yelled 'Ozzy! Ozzy!' over the PA during IRON MAIDEN's intro tape] just walked past us and lowered his eyes," said Heafy. "But we had to do what we had to do. We felt we had to take a stand."
Fuck yes. Though I hate a lot of things about Trivium, that really ups there standing in my eyes, by a whole fucking lot.

Yep - and I don't think Bruce was necessarily wrong in his assessments of Ozzy, the festival, etc., I just think he could've picked a better way to express his views. But that was nothing, and I mean NOTHING, compared to Sharon's ridiculous, beyond deplorable antics.

I can't believe Maiden and their management haven't sued the pants off her and the festival organizers for creating hazardous working conditions for the band. I mean, think about it, what if Steve Harris had slipped on the eggs and broke his leg or something?

That moron apparently only had a problem with Dickinson right? Why do something that unbelievably childish to the entire band????

**Continues to shake head in disbelief over the incident**
<<I can't believe Maiden and their management haved sued the pants off her and the festival organizers for creating hazardous working conditions for the band. I mean, think about it, what if Steve Harris had slipped on the eggs and broke his leg or something?>>

I'm guesisng that Maiden doesn't want to keep being dogged by the incident or risk getting bogged down in an unproductive lawsuit...either way, I've only gained more respect for them with their handling of this idiotic act. That said, I'd pay full price just to hear Bruce curse out Sharon next tour...
Demonspell said:
I'm guesisng that Maiden doesn't want to keep being dogged by the incident or risk getting bogged down in an unproductive lawsuit...either way, I've only gained more respect for them with their handling of this idiotic act. That said, I'd pay full price just to hear Bruce curse out Sharon next tour...

Agreed - the band handled the situation with pure class and my respect for them has only increased. I'd pay full price to hear Bruce period. :)
What disgusts me most is that some bands got involved and took Sharon's side. ALL the bands should be thinking the same way as Trivium, it's just shocking that there wasn't a unanimous outcry from all the bands on the roster.

Just goes to show that the sort of bands you have on OzzFest don't even recognize Iron Maiden and true metal. Most of them only know Ozzy because of his MTV show and want to jump on his teenage fanclub bandwagon.

Man, where the fuck is Rob Zombie, Arch Enemy, In Flames on this matter? Why does it take one of the smallest bands on the bill, Trivium, to have some backbone on the situation. Most of these bands would be nowhere without Maiden.
well, i'm certainly not defending that cunt sharon, and i do like bruce dickinson (except his vocals :tickled: ), but what if he really was being a prick on the tour and everyone else was just sick of him? allegiance to true metal or some other stupid notion is kinda silly, especially if you're dealing with an asshole. if some dude was pissing me off and some shit like this went down, even if he didn't deserve it, i certainly wouldn't be jumping to his defense.

i'm playing devil's advocate here of course, i fucking hate sharon. :Spin:
way i see it:

talking shit about the guy who's tour you're on = asking for trouble

thinking Maiden deserves to be held on a pedestal 'cause they did so much for True Metal = stupid

sharon saying things about bruce = annoying, but hey, we all know she's a bitch, and it's her tour, so let her say what she wants

Pretty much, everyone's a loser!
JayKeeley said:
Man, where the fuck is Rob Zombie, Arch Enemy, In Flames on this matter? Why does it take one of the smallest bands on the bill, Trivium, to have some backbone on the situation. Most of these bands would be nowhere without Maiden.
It is surprising. It's really hard to believe that none of these bands are Maiden fans. How is that possible?

Any way, Trivium gets a buttload of cred from me for being the only band who acted how I would expect a Metal band. I read an interview with them where they said they view themselves as a pure Metal band, whose roots lie with Metallica, Slayer and Megadeth. I half took this as clever marketing, since the interview they were giving was with a Metal publication. However, actions speak louder than words, and this action seems certainly lends credence to their statement.
