DragonForce and Trivium in Terrorizer - a few things worthy of discussion

IOfTheStorm said:
The thing is that HOM are spontaneous with all these. Just doing how they feel, without thinking if anyone will like it and there is nothing manufactured about their image (and especially music). At least that's the impression i have, and i bet most of their fans are thinking the same. I also hope that you don't really believe that any goth fan would like their music, not to mention that most 70s prog fans wouldnt like it too.

Exactly. It is HONEST, PASSIONATE, kickass music with ZERO gimmicks.

Fuck gimmicks.
i guess she's sexy in a trashy gothic looking way. but tats on the arms are a terrible look for a female. i used to date a chick with tats on her thigh, arm, and ankle. and yeah, she was trash.

she has bony man-hands
My opinion on Trivium is based on the sound of their music and really not much else.

My opinion is that they absolutely suck. Take out the hardcore vocals and I *possibly* could dig them, but then of course they'd be a different band and not the crapfest that is Trivium.

Hi, I'm Travis Barker, meet my new band.

Damn Nig Nog that was some good weed

We're so tr00 we eat lunch at different tables

Our bassplayer may only be 5ft 1, but he knows karate.

We suck dick for band merchandise


This is so rad!

Interview Clip its.
Karma : What did you grow up listening to?

Corey: Lots of Metallica, Megadeth, Pantera, Slayer, Iron Maiden.

Travis: It's pretty much the same for all of us when we were growing up.

Karma: Whom are you listening to in the genre right now? Whom are you a fan of?

Travis: I'm listening to Iron Maiden, Rammstein, and Nine Inch Nails�

Corey: ...are we currently listening to?

Karma: Yes.

Travis: Nine Inch Nails, I still crank Metallica almost every single day. A lot more M�tley Cr�e, I've been listening to a lot more Motley Crue lately.

Matt: I would say Danzig!

Corey: Danzig? [Rest of the band razzes him for his choice] And the Eagles!

Interviewer- What inspires you to write and create music?

Dudes- The determination to create the best music that we possibly can; and bands like: In Flames Arch Enemy, At The Gates, Dark Tranquility, Killswitch Engage, Shadows Fall, Poison The Well, Between The Buried and Me, etc.

No offense to anyone here. But who the fuck listens to Motley Crue? :ill: Thats a big leap from DarkThrone, Deicide, and Decapitated Baby Killers from Planet BloodVein. :)
Reign in Acai said:
Hi, I'm Travis Barker, meet my new band.

what the hell is that guy (second from our left) doing with his hands?

as far as the other photos...talk about a "manufactured" look
MadeInNewJersey said:
No, I say "they rule" as a stupid, innocuous comment, not to get into a debate on the merits of every release, track-by-track. ;)

Heh, my comments were hardly intended to get into a debate with you in detail or anything, but regardless - in a nutshell my opinion is that early Crue rules, latter Crue doesn't. :)
MadeInNewJersey said:

Hmm.... ok could be interepreted so many different ways - serious, sarcastic, joking, incredulous, etc. Based on what we were just saying, I'm of the opinion that if we take a look at the first scenario "serious", I come to the conclusion that.......

LOL Good night you Willy Wonka viking metal fan
