DragonForce and Trivium in Terrorizer - a few things worthy of discussion

not everything has to have meaning and seriousness. Sometimes just downright fun party beer music is wanted/needed.

edit: That said, I don't really like dragonforce... and trivium sucks... though there are many worse bands than both out htere
It's not even that. Assmunch listens to and worships and calls people ignorant for not liking the first 2 Gamma Ray albums, and then slags off bands like DragonForce.

I'm all for strong opinions - shit, that's what I do - but fuck that.
JayKeeley said:
To this day, I have NEVER heard a DragonForce tune, no shit.
All you need to hear is one. All thier songs sound identical.

JayKeeley said:
Honestly, I'm not sure how this flies in the face of the image, that their music pays homage to "old school" bands. I don't think they, or anyone associated with them, ever suggested that they were paying homage to Burzum. And for the record, it does sound like it was recorded on a $5 budget.

JayKeeley said:
...they did guess DEATH, DARKTHRONE, and DEICIDE, but you know, even my 4 year old would recognize those bands.
Yes, but your 4 year old is being raised by someone who thinks "I am the Black Wizards" (why that's plural, I'll never know) is the greatest song evar. On a serious note, the only way they'd know who Death, Darkthrone and Deicide are, is if they actually grew up listening to that shit. It's not like they would have heard it on the radio or MTV.

JayKeeley said:
Can you believe that? Trivium will only meet with Terrorizer with their PR agents in tow, and they can help dictate their interview answers.
Had I invested the time, money and resources into a bunch of kids that Roadrunner has, I'd want to protect my investment as well.

JayKeeley said:
...I still thought it was funny that we still have pseudo rockstars in the metal 'underground'.
There's nothing underground about these guys. They told me when they head to Europe, their headling in front of 5,000 a night.

Thanatopsis123 said:
Why? No seriously, I think there is enough "fun" in metal but even if there was none and it all tried to be serious art, what's wrong with that?

Just yesterday someone accused of me not liking any music that wasn't difficult. One of the best compliments I've received in a long time. In all seriousness, there is a place for mindless fun in metal, in minimal amounts.
MadeInNewJersey said:
Enter Zod to defend Trivium:tickled:
Yep. It's not that I'm such a big fan. As you can attest, when we were at the Amon Amarth show, I didn't bother to catch 30 seconds of Trivium live. However, I hate to see good bands like Trivium and Lamb of God dismissed out of hand by "tr00 Metal fans".

I just won't call them a good band, that's all. Yes, they're talented in that they can certainly play instruments better than me, they've managed to get signed and release records, and the kidz seem to love them. With the notion that they're (over)exposure is good for metal in general (because hopefully 2% of the clowns who do love this tripe will dig deeper and find some truly quality stuff under the ground), I don't mind their existence.

But they stink. :)
General Zod said:
Yep. It's not that I'm such a big fan. As you can attest, when we were at the Amon Amarth show, I didn't bother to catch 30 seconds of Trivium live. However, I hate to see good bands like Trivium and Lamb of God dismissed out of hand by "tr00 Metal fans".

Lamb Of God is a very good band, and a different case from Trivium. Its music sounds more genuine. I can't imagine how could anyone (especially into thrash) would not like L.O.G.