Worchester show review

Yngvai X

Dark Emperor
Jul 18, 2002
Woodland Park, NJ
SyX put on a really fuckin great show, one of the best Ive seen em do (this was the 6th time for me). Unfortunately due to the George Clinton show going on in the "downstairs" section of the Palladium, both SyX and Seven Witches had to play a slightly shorter set, though not as cut down as the Detroit show was. Personally, I think this could have been easily remedied by ditching the opening bands who sucked ass and had about one fan total who came just to see them. I felt like booing their asses off just because the first band (some stupid nu-flames kind of band) refused to get off the stage when they were told to because "they had one more song." Yeah, like anyone even gave a fuck.

Seven Witches kicked ass. Pretty standard trad/power metal but kick ass nonetheless

Anyway, the condensed Worcester setlist was:

King of Terrors
Communion and the Oracle
Out of the Ashes
Church of the Machine
Smoke and Mirrors
Lepond/Romeo solos/Imperial March
Sea of Lies

Eyes of Medusa
Of Sins and Shadows

So...no Egypt, Death of Balance, or Accolades...I didnt mind the exclusion of Egypt and DoB since Ive seen them do those at every show Ive seen them play but I only saw Accolade once and I REALLY wanted to see Accolade II!!!! :( Oh well...at the end of the night they promised to be back in the fall with an even BIGGER show :)

I also got to talk with Romeo for a bit after the show. Totally fuckin awsome unbelievable guy. Super friendly and cool person to everyone that was by the tourbus. Oh yeah, I also hung out with forumer DrumRman an his friends before and after the show. They were hellacool too :).

So...thats it
Man I wish I could catch a SyX show...please come to Alabama! Anyways, what is MJR doing for his live solo spot these days? Is he still doing a similar one to the V tour? Just curious.
Yeah that was too bad they cut the show early last night, but it was still an amazing show. Considering Romeo cut his finger the other night and it was not even noticeable in his playing especially.

Talked to the band afterwards. Rullo and Lepond were hanging out with the crowd after. Romeo showed up outside later that night, which I'm grateful for since they all must be very tired after all this yet he still made time to talk to fans.

One guy called them master craftsmen, which was a humorous comment (not to diminish their exceptional talent or anything). a couple people called romeo a god too hehe. All very modest musicians in my opinion which seems to be harder to find these days.

Cant wait for the next show :)
Since drumrman is slackin in postin pix and his review...ill do it for him..

Palladium Marquee....

Me,Jack Frost(Seven Witches)Drumrman



The show was rushed, and the booker of the bands needs to get his head out of his ass.

They had two shitty ass bands come out first who shouldnt even have been there, they rushed every band and it actually took away from both Seven Witches, and Symphony X's time. Witches only played 5 songs! I was quite bullshit about that.

When we met the guys after the show, they werent even aware that 2 bands played and that was the reason why they didnt get to play there whole setlist.

We helped load the bands gear into the truck, and were rewarded wih some Jack Frost guitar picks!

SX played in no order plus Im sure Im forgetting some songs..

Eyes Of Medusa
Church and the machine
Sea of lies
Smoke & Mirrors
King Of Terrors
Death of balance
Out Of the ashes
Of sins and shadows
Personally I felt the situation could have been remedied by losing Seven Witches who made me cry they were so fucking boring, and All That Remains, who managed to play the same song 5 times in a row. Beyond The Embrace was not as good as they were with Opeth but still good. Symphony X was good, but again not as good as with Blind Guardian. I think that it was mostly because of the totally lame setup. The stage was ridiculously small, and the sound and lighting kept fucking up through the whole night. Should've been downstairs, fuck you george clinton. I talked to the guys after the show though, they were cool as hell. But my god, Seven Witches were the cheesiest act I've ever seen. Nothing's cooler than screaming about Camelot and pirates while your guitarist squeels away in his abercrombie wife beater shirt. :yuk:
WTF are talkin about man...Lose Seven Witches???Riveria has an incredible voice and Jack Frost is an awesome guitar player... unless tou like power cords and cookie monster vox..the first 2 bands should have been dropped.. ya are right about one thing regarding them,all the songs by BOTH BANDS sounded exactly the same...the booking agent needs to be shot for this show... all the bands on that tiny ass stage??? Thats my 4th show there and ive only ever seen one or 2 openers on that stage with headliners on the main stage.. fuckin lame
Oh the singer was amazing, no doubt about it, and the guitarist was decent, but to be honest he didn't do anything original or impressive. I don't really like that style of metal, so maybe I'm biased, but I thought they were boring. The only song I liked was the last one, dedicated to his brother, it was at least more original than the others. My main issue with them was that I've heard sooo many bands who did the same thing Seven Witches do, and they did it better, 10 years ago.
Jack Frost is a great guy and I liked witches,but live it did seem very unoriginal, but their discs are cool. It's also one of many projects that Frost does. This is his traditional metal fix I guess. Joey Vera on bass is pretty legendary, as for Rivera that little shit was about to go on an anti war rant and then stopped himself, I guess he hasn't read any of his Helstar lyrics in a while.
The show in WORCESTER..not worchester haha...was actually one of the weakest shows they have done...I saw them 4 times on this odyssey tour and this was the quickest and smallest show....SX always rules though. It was great to see them with blind guardian because they played on the big stage...though BG sucks in my opinion. What's great about sx is that some of the guys are just totally cool with the fans. signing stuff,taking pictures etc..etc...i hope they always stay this way.. ( eh,em portnoy anyone?? lol ) But all in all a great show... it makes me sad that i won't see much else even close to it for quite a while...anyone else there take photos or anything??!!Russell allen is by FAR the greatest singer of all time in my opinion... :D
OMG it was an AWESOME show even though it did get cut short, they still put thier all into it, which always makes each show special that they do..I had a great time, just a bunch of GREAT guys, they always try to make thier fans happy. Can't wait to see them again!!
Evil said:
As upposed the every other shitty cookie monster vocal based band and their collective ability to all be original with the same shitty fomula??

Who could you possibly be talking about? Neither All That Remains nor Beyond The Embrace use "shitty cookie monster vocals" or have songs that all sound the same.
markgugs said:
Who could you possibly be talking about? Neither All That Remains nor Beyond The Embrace use "shitty cookie monster vocals" or have songs that all sound the same.

WHAT?!? Ummm dude yeah they do. I was there at the show, and you couldnt make out 1 word either of these bands sang. I hung with a bunch of people, and we all thought those 2 bands sucked, and had cookie monster vocals. That embrace band, was such an Iron Maiden wannabe band, but used growl vocals instead of clean. They had the classic Iron Maiden twin lead harmony's going on big time. Its no wonder why the bassist, had an Iron Maiden shirt, and wore wrist bands. If he wants to be Steve Harris he needs to learn to play with his fingers not a pick. Perhaps Gene Simmons should be his influence.

The All That Remains band was a JOKE. The bassist was pretty good, and one of the guitrists was decent, but the singer was pathetic. He reminded me of a Nazi guy (no offense to him, Im just saying what he reminded me of) and would put his arm behind his back or keep upping his elbow. He was silly IMO, pacing back and forth every 5 feet holding head like he was in a rage, or ready to become a lunatic. What a lame gimmick. He cant even sing, and let me tell you gargling into a mic is about as talented as takin a dump.

In a nutshell? Both bands = Garbage.
Well, that's your OPINION and occasional fact. For the record, BTE's vocalist barely uses 'cookie monster vocals' - in fact, he almost always sounds closest to mid-80s Hetfield, with the occasional In Flames or Dark Tranquillity scream or growl thrown in. BTE surely wears their Iron Maiden influence on their sleeve; ask them, they don't deny it. As if that's a bad thing. :rolleyes: And you don't even have most of your facts right in this case; BTE uses a THREE-lead-guitar harmony, as opposed to the classic Iron Maiden twin-lead. If you're going to just slag a band with complete bias (since you've well-documented your dislike for anything that's not power/prog/traditional/classic metal), at least try to present the facts so other people can form their OWN opinion. Cheers.
DrumRman said:
WHAT?!? Ummm dude yeah they do. I was there at the show, and you couldnt make out 1 word either of these bands sang. I hung with a bunch of people, and we all thought those 2 bands sucked, and had cookie monster vocals. That embrace band, was such an Iron Maiden wannabe band, but used growl vocals instead of clean. They had the classic Iron Maiden twin lead harmony's going on big time. Its no wonder why the bassist, had an Iron Maiden shirt, and wore wrist bands. If he wants to be Steve Harris he needs to learn to play with his fingers not a pick. Perhaps Gene Simmons should be his influence.

The All That Remains band was a JOKE. The bassist was pretty good, and one of the guitrists was decent, but the singer was pathetic. He reminded me of a Nazi guy (no offense to him, Im just saying what he reminded me of) and would put his arm behind his back or keep upping his elbow. He was silly IMO, pacing back and forth every 5 feet holding head like he was in a rage, or ready to become a lunatic. What a lame gimmick. He cant even sing, and let me tell you gargling into a mic is about as talented as takin a dump.

In a nutshell? Both bands = Garbage.
I couldn't agree more.
markgugs said:
Well, that's your OPINION and occasional fact. For the record, BTE's vocalist barely uses 'cookie monster vocals' - in fact, he almost always sounds closest to mid-80s Hetfield, with the occasional In Flames or Dark Tranquillity scream or growl thrown in. BTE surely wears their Iron Maiden influence on their sleeve; ask them, they don't deny it. As if that's a bad thing. :rolleyes: And you don't even have most of your facts right in this case; BTE uses a THREE-lead-guitar harmony, as opposed to the classic Iron Maiden twin-lead. If you're going to just slag a band with complete bias (since you've well-documented your dislike for anything that's not power/prog/traditional/classic metal), at least try to present the facts so other people can form their OWN opinion. Cheers.

well, MY own opinion is that they were a waste of my time :). Seriously though, I dont know why venues insist on sticking on local bands that no one wants to see anyway. Yeah maybe at some In Flames or Slipknot show I could see them opening, but for a power metal concert?!? Same shit happened on the BG tour when I had to sit through such ass nu metal bands like Judge Drain and some other shit band that I can't remember the name of (they were in NY). I gotta give a little more credit to All That Remains though, for one thing they're actually on metal blade records and I know the musicians at least appriciated who they were opening for, whereas Beyond the Embrace just came off as a pathetic garage band that couldn't give a fuck who SyX was. Oh yeah, they also need to learn to take a shower and get out of their street clothes before they step on stage, it tends to make a band look just that much more professional.

Anyway, yes I am completely biased towards power metal, so, take what I say as you will, but you can't deny that venues should a) either not book local acts before the main band unless they're playing in the same genre so the audience can at least enjoy it a little (which a venue like Lamours, for example, usually does) OR b) have some nights in the week set aside for just local bands to play! (showcases, what a concept!!)
This entire thread falls right smack into supporting my theory about the close-mindedness of metal fans, even amongst OTHER FORMS OF METAL.

And again, spreading fallacies and inaccuracies only serve to hurt the entire metal community (i.e. perhaps some more open-minded people who are willing to listen to some other forms of metal music). BEYOND THE EMBRACE are ALSO signed to Metal Blade Records, and had a critically-acclaimed debut CD as well. They've toured/played with Opeth, Blind Guardian, Kataklysm, Shadows Fall, Pungent Stench, Incantation and many more bands. They're FAR from a "local band." :rolleyes:

Thankfully, the promoters/bookers/labels/artists themselves are nowhere near as closed-minded as many of their fans, or metal would be in serious trouble.