Words of Truth (aka another thread where you list lyrics you enjoy)

Catch fire - just like a living disease
Unholy desire - a world on it's knees
Our burning minds they are ridden of hope
In a dreaming utopia - dead on dope

A generation of obscenities
We have lost our faith in our own creativity
What is evil, but good
Tortured by it's own hunger and thirst?

The living end
The dwarfed soul of man
The living end

The sweetest of lies - it's embrace so warm
So void of life - one with the promised swarm
Our burning minds they are ridden of hope
In a dreaming utopia - dead on dope

A generation of obscenities
Our ignorance will be the end of humanity
A dead nation under one dead god

The living end
The dwarfed soul of man
The living end

Written in napalm over genetic wastelands
We move on, our fate is to die by our own hand
A dead nation under one dead god
What is evil, but good
Tortured by it's own hunger and thirst?
Living under this scourge of historical distortion, bound by the laws of the puppet masters’ whores – what is a life to live among hollow bodies with no soul? Our spirits fell victim with the coming of the second Great Plague. Why do they bother to breathe when they are not alive? This must surely be the endtimes that has fallen upon us. Is it possible I have become a prophet who doubts his own vision? Perhaps this is all for the best, I’m no longer sure we deserve to exist.

May their treachery be remembered and memories cursed! As did emperors and kings, the rulers seek immortality in monuments. Their ruins shall remain to tell the story of the final times of tyrants who manipulated the past to control our future.

We have explored, triumphed and ruled – such is the way of man. Now we are to apologize, to stand in debt to those once conquered? For collective guilt we should stand and watch our heritage raped, to do nothing as our future follow the cattle down the valley of death? Hah! I owe nothing to anyone but my own race. In the end I will probably not have changed anything – but rather spit in the shepherd’s eye than to follow his cain.

May their treachery be remembered and memories cursed! As did emperors and kings, the rulers seek immortality in monuments. Their ruins shall remain to tell the story of the final times of tyrants who manipulated the past to control our future

We sing the deathsongs awaiting calamity, grinning as your world is torn asunder. I will welcome and embrace death knowing that it will claim you all!

The tides of time will always wash and ebb. Ages come to pass, leaving legacy in memory – remembrance of martyrs fading into legends. Tales of betrayal forever carved in stone. Peace at last to men of good will... and Death at last to treacherous bastards!
MajestikMøøse said:
Living under this scourge of historical distortion, bound by the laws of the puppet masters’ whores – what is a life to live among hollow bodies with no soul? Our spirits fell victim with the coming of the second Great Plague. Why do they bother to breathe when they are not alive? This must surely be the endtimes that has fallen upon us. Is it possible I have become a prophet who doubts his own vision? Perhaps this is all for the best, I’m no longer sure we deserve to exist.

May their treachery be remembered and memories cursed! As did emperors and kings, the rulers seek immortality in monuments. Their ruins shall remain to tell the story of the final times of tyrants who manipulated the past to control our future.

We have explored, triumphed and ruled – such is the way of man. Now we are to apologize, to stand in debt to those once conquered? For collective guilt we should stand and watch our heritage raped, to do nothing as our future follow the cattle down the valley of death? Hah! I owe nothing to anyone but my own race. In the end I will probably not have changed anything – but rather spit in the shepherd’s eye than to follow his cain.

May their treachery be remembered and memories cursed! As did emperors and kings, the rulers seek immortality in monuments. Their ruins shall remain to tell the story of the final times of tyrants who manipulated the past to control our future

We sing the deathsongs awaiting calamity, grinning as your world is torn asunder. I will welcome and embrace death knowing that it will claim you all!

The tides of time will always wash and ebb. Ages come to pass, leaving legacy in memory – remembrance of martyrs fading into legends. Tales of betrayal forever carved in stone. Peace at last to men of good will... and Death at last to treacherous bastards!

the car's on fire and there's no driver at the wheel
and the sewers are all muddied with a thousand lonely suicides
and a dark wind blows
the government is corrupt
and we're on so many drugs
with the radio on and the curtains drawn

we're trapped in the belly of this horrible machine
and the machine is bleeding to death

the sun has fallen down
and the billboards are all leering
and the flags are all dead at the top of their poles

it went like this:

the buildings tumbled in on themselves
mothers clutching babies picked through the rubble
and pulled out their hair

the skyline was beautiful on fire
all twisted metal stretching upwards
everything washed in a thin orange haze

i said : "kiss me, you're beautiful -
these are truly the last days"

you grabbed my hand and we fell into it
like a daydream or a fever

we woke up one morning and fell a little further down -
for sure it's the valley of death

i open up my wallet
and it's full of blood.
My thoughts are dark
They speak of deep anger
Among the tombstones I walk
The remains of my people
is entombed here
There's no one left, but me

I have sworn by my own blood
that this undoing
will be revenged
by my father's sword
I will speak to the God of War
and my hail shall be heard

I will hunt these weak infidels
my people's souls must be
given their rest. They must be
given their rest. I will hunt!

Through sorrow and hatred
I will gather my strength
Never shall I rest, until my
dying day I will hunt
for some reason I really like these lyrics, maybe it's because the song kicks so much ass, but i freely admit they are pretty cheesy

I've watched as your empires have fallen
and laughed as your gods have all cried
i've tempted the souls of your pious
and tainted their minds with my lies
i've travelled across all the earth
and i've cursed with each step i've taken
i've shed the most innocent of blood
in the name of that which you call satan

there are no chains which can hold me
no sword which can pierce through my skin
there are no saints i've not slaughtered
and no evil i've not taken within
there is no sin i've not tasted
no blasphemy i have not embraced
no rule or law i've not broken
no scripture i have not defaced

the oath which binds me to this world
for past times and those yet to come
this oath which has left me immortal
and allows me to outlive the sun
death it shall never embrace me
it's cold touch shall not touch my life
i'm bound by the oath to this world
forever free to spread pestilence and strife
There's a lot i enjoy but i'll post 2 of the songs i've been listening to for a a week or two. Yea, i'm a miserable bastard and there's plenty more where these came from :D

Solitude Aeturnus: Concern

Losing my grip on concern
The endless circle mocks my existence
Only sparks of beauty bind me to this place

The simplicity of doing- drowned
Motivation no longer a factor
Only sparks of hope push me away

Creations of wishful thinking
We delude ourselves
Aspirations reaching no fruition

And now you know why I die
I've found the fear deep inside

Trying to exist within the walls of reality
But what's the point?
the universe revolves alone

Talking to myself the words get lost
Shimmering sparkles catch my eye
and slowly fade

Where is it that we go?
What is it that we seek?
What is it that we want?
Why do we recieve what we recieve?

Confessor: Sour Times

We are in- sour times
We are in- sour times

The hole is open and the maggots call me in
So easy to give up and dive in
But the tide will lead me to my bridge
With the answer I know
With the answer i know to jump in

Sour times, are soaking up my soul
Closer to the edge of that hole
Sour times

There's many wars to fight
Way past the front lines
Behind the scene there's much to hide
Ghosts from the past
Wrap their sheets on my mind
Friendships and sin, which have died

Sour times, are soaking up my soul
Closer to the edge of that hole
Sour times, are soaking up my soul
All hope is gone, I'm losing control

I'm not the person i used to be
Not sure, who or what to believe

Sour times, are soaking up my soul
Closer to the edge of that hole
Sour times, are soaking up my soul
All hope is gone, I'm losing control

I'm not the person i used to be
Erik said:

Children, I call you to war --
Was it for this your ancestors died?
Was it for this the land was stained blood red?

Here, and now, we face the end of all things,
the final and the absolute.

Planting seeds within the nuclear generation, planting hope where there was none;
A hope that we may sweep all before us and crush their memory.

You say that there is nothing left in this world worth fighting for
nothing left in this world worth dying for

This is a lie.

There is so much to fight for, so much to die for.

I love this part. And yes, best song of 2004.
The Power Of One

Father I have killed many angels,
I think.
I will now walk to the sea.
I hope you will someday forgive me
Please moor
my empty boat on a pier

I can blame for the blue blood that runs in my veins.
But I seem to forget that we are all the same.

In your own blaze of hate you've spawn a fear in many lives
You've taken action thinking it was all said on the signs.
You cannot heal the feeling burning deep inside your spine
You now collapse, cave in revealing scabby marks of life

Mother I've seen too much, I hate to live my life.
Forgot every word you told me, stubborn little child, (angel of your life)
I have to find my Eden now, the gates I left behind.
But the pain will remain.
No power to gain.

Now I have time to dwell on, self-awareness, dreadful crime.
I saw colors too bright, not knowing that I was blind.
I slayed a man who took a chance and drank the forbidden wine.
The map I draw reveals that I have been complete, machine, in team.

Father I've seen too much, I hate to live my life.
Forgot every word you told me, stubborn little child, (angel of your life)
I have to find my Eden now, the gates I left behind.
The pain will remain.
No power to gain.

Mother where's your son.
When has this begun'
Who has been the fool'

No one was born to be a servant or a slave.
Who can tell me the color of the rain'
In the world that we live in, the things said and done
They can well overrun
the power of one.

No one was born to be a servant etc.

To leave and let die
To give hope and take life
Is that what you're here for'

To think you are right
To make sure it won't fly
Is a making of a hate crime

In the homes of the brave,
In the homes of the land slaves,
We are all the same

I need to believe.
There's more than the eye can see
All colors of rainbow.

No one was born to be a slave
Seek the past and place the blame
Tell me the color of the rain
No one was born to be a master

In the land we live, we die
praise the oneness, praise the lie
To bind a web around the faker
We will need a true
Thine gills art dried!
Iesous Christos Theou Uios Soter
Where there was heart shall be vertebra
…For your children have been led astray!

Quench thine thirst with my urine
Warm as love it shall rinse through the salt in your lungs
For the thirst of the desert strangles all senses
Tempted art thou and none can resist Him…

For what is the worth of a godless prophet whose tounge since long has dried, in completeness bereft from grace?
Through milleniums tormented by the eternal eye and it's piercing vigilance
Doomed to fail, for what hope can you ignite in their forsaken hearts?
When in deluge thou art fallen, your scriptures are altered and your doctrine
rewritten in blood! [best part of the song, and when that insane riff kicks in afterwards]

What unity in tribes long scattered?
What glory and hope in a cross that is shattered?
Hark! The mourning wails of defeat echoes throughout centuries!
A Bellyful of Emptiness

I'm twenty six years old - please tell me what have I got
A monopoly on misery - I guess that's my lot
Ten years of eating bullshit leaves it's taste in your mouth
And I think the time has come for me to spit it all out...

'Cause at the end of the tunnel I see
A dole-queue that's beckoning me.

Yes living hand-to-mouth it can be fun for a while
Simple things please simple minds - do you see me smile?
I've broke my bread and fishes - turned my water to wine
But I'm sick of walking tightrope on the poverty line
I left my home and family - I've pawned all my dreams
Took a second mortgage on my soul to further my schemes
Now my body's in the pages of "exchange and mart"
Ten pounds or nearest offer for one slightly broken heart.

And at the end of the rainbow I found
A crock of shit there on the ground.

Have you had a bellyful of emptiness
Do you feel like me we're all just wasting our time
If it's true inside each cloud's a silver lining
Why does it shine on other lives but not on mine?
I've had a bellyful of emptiness
I've got a pocketful of nothing at all
In real-life fairy tales the frog stays a frog
And the serving girl can't be the belle of the ball.

You're not the belle of the ball
Get back in your cinders and crawl

How many other fools like me
Have lost their lives contractually
Believing there must be far more
Than nine to five - the factory floor?
Have countless thousands watched their dreams
Corrupted into things obscene
By money minded bastards who
Don't give a damn for me or you?

Now my wallet's getting thinner like the hair on my head
By the time I hit the "big Time" I'll be buried and dead
Tell me how can you resent me for the money I've spent
On the only habit I indulge (that's paying the rent)?
No-one said this life was easy Christ I've known that all along
But it needn't be this difficult that's why I wrote this song
The sex and drugs and rock 'n 'roll were never meant to last
And the bailiffs knocking on your door don't need a backstage pass!

Be sure that you read between their lines
There are claws in the contracts we sign.

Have you had a bellyful of emptiness
Do you feel like me we're all just wasting our time
If it's true inside each cloud's a silver lining
Why does it shine on other lives but not on mine?
I've had a bellyful of emptiness
I've got a pocketful of nothing at all
In real-life fairy tales the frog stays a frog
And the serving girl can't be the belle of the ball.
"Faustus be thou resolute
In what thou wilst perform
Ignore these righteous idiots
Their trinity to scorn
For years of depradation
You receive eternal life
But fame and wealth and maidens fair
Are by far the better price."

"You know I'm born to lose
And gambling's for fools
But that's the way I like it, baby, I don't wanna live forever!"

"Feel the breeze
Time's so near, we can almost taste the freedom
There's a warm wind from the south
Hoist the sail, and we'll be gone
By morning this will all seem like a dream
And if I don't return to sing this song
Maybe just as well, I've heard the news
And there's not much I can do

"Though the tale is over, the song remains the same
Gods and idealism forever call our name
So we rise up to the mount with kings at our command
To turn the endless cycle of the savage bloody hand
And it's hard
To learn from the past
When the past
Is a whore to the last
And it's hard
To see into the night
When your eyes
Are blinded by the light
And it's hard
To hold back the hate..."