Work in progress: trying some new techniques... comments welcome!

That's why I love working with Jeff. The man knows how to hit! Usually I'm screaming at drummers: "Karen Carpenter hit harder than that you fucking pussy! ...And she died of Anorexia!"

Now all I've gotta do is teach Jeff to count to 4 and he'll be the perfect session drummer.
That's why I love working with Jeff. The man knows how to hit! Usually I'm screaming at drummers: "Karen Carpenter hit harder than that you fucking pussy! ...And she died of Anorexia!"

Now all I've gotta do is teach Jeff to count to 4 and he'll be the perfect session drummer.

Yeah, count to four is REALLY hard for drummers, but hang in there! With threats of physical violence, me made our drummer count to four several times in a row... :heh:
Is the first riff supposed to be 'da DADADAda da' (DADADA being 16th triplets), or 'da DADAda da' (DADA being straight 16ths)? Sounds like they aren't even sure and it's like sloppy 'somewhere in between'. Really seems like there's slighty different interpretations of this part. The transistion isn't quite there either, sounds like when a drummer tries to hit TOO hard all the time and over emphasises the wrong bits.

Mix... kick seems to not fit the rest of the sound. It's kinda smallish/pointed sounding, against big open natural toms. Massive contrast. I definitely think the kick is too clicky and outspoken for this sort of musical feel.
Well, thanks for the honest feedback.... I've already made some pretty big changes.... However, I disagree about the "too hard" thing. I'm just too big of a John Bonham fan!

Hopefully I can post an updated mix by the end of the weekend.

I've got a new version where I go a little crazy with the buss smasher & wind up with a very "Bon Jovi" 10-miles-wide snare. I don't think I'm gonna use it on this mix, but the next project I have in is a retro-80's metal group.. :)

Bring on the 'jovi snare, Glenn!

The guitar tone was good, not really to my liking but deffinately heavy. That aside, those drums sound awesome! :notworthy