work sucks donkey ballz


Die!Die!get in the coffin
Mar 4, 2004
Long Island N.Y.
How many of you hate your fucking jobs? There's gotta be a better way to make a living. I deal with jerk-offs all day long. By 5 oclock I run the fuck out of work. I feel like I get parolled everyday and the next morning I have to serve time again. Its a vicous cycle. Everyday no matter what job I've had the thought of calling in sick arises at least once every morning. Is this normal.
bobo'c said:
How many of you hate your fucking jobs? There's gotta be a better way to make a living. I deal with jerk-offs all day long. By 5 oclock I run the fuck out of work. I feel like I get parolled everyday and the next morning I have to serve time again. Its a vicous cycle. Everyday no matter what job I've had the thought of calling in sick arises at least once every morning. Is this normal.

Ive felt like that, for the past 3 years, went and found a new job (just started today) and it felt the same, :erk: oh well ................... :cry: