Working on lyrics and such


New Metal Member
Apr 26, 2017
Currently working on a set of songs, from bits and pieces of I've thought of while driving home, but I'm in no way really skilled enough to write them completely in a good fashion. So I'm looking for where I could talk about them or the process of writing and what tools are out there beyond a rhyming dictionary for writing thse sorts fo things.
What topics do you want the songs to be about? Also what style is the song played. You know, fast heavy riffs fits with anything from Rob Halford to George Fisher, So genre is really important here. Is it Punk Influenced? Black Sabbath Influenced? Black / Death Metal influenced?
Well the songs would have some variation in them. But mostly stay more around Buck Cherry, Kiss, AC/DC, Twisted Sister, etc. I'll admit I'm not on the up and up of the sub genera of a lot of the metal out there. I've got a collection of song names so far, and some basic ideas of some of the songs.

The first "Album" I've dubbed the Joy of Mastication. Originally was suppose to be all innuendos, Similar to AC/DCs Big Balls, but thinking of going further from just that, but everything would be something food/eating related.

Songs Names
Death by Chocolate - This one I want to do more Death/Black metal hybrid. Its instructions on how to bake a cake.
Honey Trapped - The song is about honey, though lots of double innuendos to make it sound more explicit.
Bratworst - About Hot dogs, Bratwursts, and Sausages, also double innuendo most likely.
Gunpowder Tea Party - something about gunpowder tea, and a party.
Necronomnomicon - A cookbook of Evil
Poultrygiest - Ghost bird(s) rise from the dead to destroy thanksgiving
Joy of Mastication - Title song, more innuendo
Cannibal Party - People eating people.
Casserole of the Dead - Based around the food Dead Man's Casserole
The Virgin Bloody Mary - Not sure if I want to just go the drink, or something more religious-esc. Likely will end up with a combination of the two.
Taint of the Pig God - Inspired by Obey the Cow God, would be something of a counter song to Obey the Cow God (Kind of like an epic rap battle) Pulls a little from Rage against the Machine, Green Jelly and Korn.

Honey Trapped is the one I've got some lines for that I've liked so far for the chorus, but have been bouncing around with how it works out. I've got the rhymes at least when I came up with the name of the song.

My resistances is sapped!
By your sweet taste on my Lips
The sticky mess on my fingertips
OH! I've been honey trapped
Hehe, I see. Well you're in a sticky situation. Combining humor and Metal doesn't go as well hand in hand as combining Rock and Humor (unless you're making fun of metal). Cannibal Party is a fucking awesome song name. However on the lyrics I can just say "inspiration can come from anything". It doesn't have to rhyme all the time, singing style matters huge in this case.
Cannibal Party:

When there's no food in the world
And the world is in chaos
You have to eat
Whatever you get your hands on

Global Starvation
Worldwide Hunger
Infected Soil
No food will ever grow

Eat Meat
Or die
Eat Humans
Or Starve
I was originally gonna write something else inspired by the dinner scene from "Texas Chainsaw Massacre (1974)" but then I though about cannibalism and thought of The Walking Dead. I switched out the zombie apocalypse into a "world where the soil and earth has been affected so no plants can grow" so the humans would have to eat up all the meat before the worldwide livestock (cows, bulls, chicken, goats, lambs.. dies out and when all the animals are eaten the humans have to eat each other. BTW I sang these lyrics in my head in the style of "Death - Behold the Flesh and the Power it holds". I suggest you check that song out, cause that's what I though about the singing style, but I'm not in charge here. Good luck.
I'm not really certain the difference between Rock/Metal, probably because I'm on that border between the two where they blend together.

I'll have to take a listen as I'm going home today to the song.


Well, I've had a listen. Reminded me of Metallica with the instrumental portions, then Cradle of Filth, particularly Nymphetimine, when the singing was going on.
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Working on putting together Taint of the Pig god here.. Things just kinda flowed together, but still gotta go through the words, order and the like.

Taint of the Pig God

(Slow beat)
I see you there, eating grass
Its time to move, your fatass
No time to explain Vacate the seat!
Its time for the reign of the other white meat!

They call you holey
They call me lowley
Bacon Zombies will Rise
Bring about your demise

(Fast beat Chorus)
Uncleanliness is next to godliness
My flesh is the candy of meat
A fact you're envious
Its time for you to accept defeat
You sorry sod
The Taint of the Pig god!


Burger is your flesh
Put bacon in it!
Milk is your blood
Put bacon in it!
Whatever the food
Put bacon in it
Salad so fresh
Put some BACON IN IT!

My flag is unfurled

I've taken the world
You've filled it with farts
I'm the one in everyone's hearts.

(Fast beat Chorus)
Uncleanliness is next to godliness
My flesh is the candy of meat
A fact you're envious
Its time for you to accept defeat
You sorry sod
The Taint of the Pig god!

Fred can eat whatever the hell he wants!
Part I of "476"

"After millennia of victory and glory
The serpent of fate is told
To untwist his Luciferian embrace
Letting chaos break free

Your lives are now meaningless
Your weak will has dictated it so
Plagues, famines, and wars
Inflected upon us by the crimson hand of doom

Welcome to the falling age of Nifelheim!".
Part II of "476"

"The glory has passed away
The beauty now in the void of past
Like burnt flesh rotting slow
In a crimson sea
The remains are now to be destroyed

Despair the holy gift
Of legions deceived by malice
Wrong is the new "spirit", the old gone

A near thousand in agony
Anger stifled and suppressed
Whines of violence for a cause much too wrong
The castles stand tall
Everywhere is now impure blood spilt
On stone, under golden blades of wrong ore

Sometimes, dreams will rise into life
But like fires in a cold storming night
They're extinguished into ashes of melancholy
Grey and solemn
But still threatening"
Death by Chocolate is going to be hard.
Mostly because I'm trying to make the recipe intelligible so that if one listens close enough they can make a Death by Chocolate cake.

I imagine the beginning of it being something like Mermurder with that low deep growly 'talky' opening.

Gonna be listening to a lot of Vegan Black Metal here as metalize recipes.

Here is the crap stuff I've got so far for that one.
Death by Chocolate

Take care as you gather the ingredients.
Make sure to be expedient
For when you make the devil's delight
You invite death to join you tonight.

(Intro instrumental)

Fifteen ounces of devils food
Four eggs from the devil's brood
package of chocolate pudding
And a Cup of Sour Cream

Turn to three hundred and fifty degree
As you wait for the temperature to rise
Bringing you closer to your demise
A fate that you cannot flee

I do know that when the cake is put into the oven in the recipe, its would switch over to an instrumental while the cake is cooking. (Obviously its not going to be a 50 minute instrumental of course.)
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Here's some I wrote a few hours ago:

Though they may seem to play
In a shattered foray
Into darkness, light, and revolution

Their darkness untrue
And their light is misguided
Into impervious dreams of deceit
The anticosmic scheme
Divides us like a wall

Our cause may seem to stay
In the dismal dismay
Of hatred, death, and retribution

Our castle is well lit
And the doors they are locked
But we can feel a cold draft blowing out
Our pseudocosmic dream
Becomes the new cosmic beam
Of hope, darkness and truth

Though it may seem to lay
In the distal dark haze
The key is coming into form
Though we may seem to stay
In a distant deep dream

We will return
In the right from
Somewhere in the distant past
Here is the start of the Joy of Mastication which I feel is too much Eating the Cannibals.

Hello Sir, come in right away!
We'll make sure you enjoy your stay!
Here's a menu, how bout a drink
We've got everything you could think.

You've got the word from our advertiser
We've got the unlimited appetizers
Its so very cold outside that doo
r Perhaps warm up with some soup de'jor?

Its a precarious Situation
the experience of the Joy of Mastication

Can't eat another bite
no need to fight
A thin chocolate wafer
retreat somewhere safer

Had to push your luck
When you masticated in public