Working on my band's upcoming Rock EP need fresh ears


Jun 28, 2009
So i've been working on this mix for a while and its by far the most professional sounding mix i have done to this point, but i'd really like to get some advice from you guys and see what you think.

drum overheads are real with some slate toms, lsd kick, and a few different snare's

guitars are real amp/cab. my first time using them too
6505+ and an orange 2x12

bass is DI track with lots of processing

anyways anything and everything is appreciated. thanks! :rock:

here is an excerpt Burnout mix 16 proj3.mp3
The snare distracts me, sounds a bit too cracky for this genre IMO. Other than that great vocal processing and guitars sound good.
yeah snare has got a lot of unnatural highs going on...kick would work I guess
guitar on the left somehow sticks out way more than the one on the right, especially at the beginning...maybe they are louder or just have more highs? kinda weird
vocals are a bit low,so are the overheads
if you improve it a bit more it can turn out quite good!
I quite like the music btw
The snare is still really distracting, turn it down, or take out whatever high frequencies you have boosted because it sounds boosted. Or make everything else brighter to match the snare. Vocals need to dominate instead of the snare.

What is the vocal processing like?
yeah snare has got a lot of unnatural highs going on...kick would work I guess
guitar on the left somehow sticks out way more than the one on the right, especially at the beginning...maybe they are louder or just have more highs? kinda weird
vocals are a bit low,so are the overheads
if you improve it a bit more it can turn out quite good!
I quite like the music btw

thanks for the reply man, ive been working on that snare, and i think ive fixed the problem, but now i see that the kick has some weird thing going on too. back to the old drawing board i guess lol.

i hadnt noticed about the guitars but thanks for the heads up, ill check that out. thanks for the kind words too :)

The snare is still really distracting, turn it down, or take out whatever high frequencies you have boosted because it sounds boosted. Or make everything else brighter to match the snare. Vocals need to dominate instead of the snare.

What is the vocal processing like?

ive got like 3 compressors and a limiter on them haha, this along with various eq's oh and a hint of antares duo i think, but not too much

latest update Burnout mix 30 proj3.mp3
Listening to it on headphones, the hi-hats are really disjointed and distracting. Too much sizzle I think, maybe lose that and try and bring some more of the body out in them?

Other than that, quite impressed. Vocals and bass are tops!
Good mix, a lil too much high end for personal taste, kind of dominates and keeps the low end from having focus
thanks for the thoughts guys! the deadline was today and all that, so i wont be changing things, but hey i did all this in less than a month, recording/mixing and all so for the amount of time i had to work with i think it turned out rather well :)

i do wish i would have had more time, but you have to make the best of what you have right? thanks again
hey man, not that you can do much about it now, but yeah, my feeling is that the vocals are a bit too loud, the whole mix also probably has too much high end...i can imagine at high volume it will shred the listeners ears apart. and a bit more low end would have been nice. but really, not bad at all :)