Worse Thrash Bands ever?

Originally posted by vengeance
Is that the same Hard 'N' Heavy Video with Exodus as well? I remember an interview on there with Lee Altus & Doug Piercy & they're talking about the band Exodus!

Damn that was years ago! I'm feeling old!

Yep that's the video and they're talkin' about how one night at an Exodus show Paul said he wanted the head of a posre so 2 guys went out and found a guy in spandex and slit his throat haha. Although my throat probably would've been slit if I was around, I love glam haha.

Deadly Embrace: Kiss ruled :) (Note the deliberate past tense haha, even though they're my fave band they have sucked since Alive III except their live shows which are still cool) Alot of hard rock and metal bands probably wouldn't exist if it wasn't for Kiss, they pretty much invented glam/hair metal which is great in my book since it's my fave type of music :)