Worst Band Names

Mormânt de Snagov?! There is a band actually named like that?! They're probably not Romanian... :lol: :lol: looking them up right now :D

Yep, they are a shitty and generic black metal band from my town. Don't know what the name's about, at least it sounds bad.
It means 'Grave from Snagov', Snagov being a locality where Vlad Ţepeş (voivod who inspired Dracula stories) was killed in battle and believed to be buried. I'm also sure you probably didn't need to know, but it's already typed now :P.

Anyway, it's a cheesy name.
I am not kidding, Cirith Ungol while a cool place is not a cool band name. And Destroyer 666 is a stupid name.
Normally the whole 666 thing can be fucking dumb, yes, but Destroyer 666 rocks tits. Anybody who disagrees is wrong. :V
Dimmu Borgir (ooh, a volcanic rock formation)
Twilight Ophera (their music is as cheesy as their name)
Pantera (I always think of Pantene, the shampoo)
Sorcier des Glaces (love them but really, "ice wizard?")
I'm gonna go ahead and say pretty much every brutal/slam band. I can't distinctly remember the names because they're all so generic, they just kinda rearrange a couple different words. Shit like Vomit Remnants, Cephalic Impurity, Cerebral Effusion, Rest In Gore, Gory Delivery, Gory Blister, Goretrade, Gortuary, Gorement, Goratory, Gorevent, Gorepoflesh, I mean jesus fucking christ how can you remember which band is which when they have such meaningless names with identical logos?
Bumps McBumbtyfuck.

Today I learned there's a death metal band called Killing Gandhi. I mean, this whole death metal thing is now completed and we can go back to our regular lives, right?

I can only imagine what the decision in the band looked like. Four guys having a beer after their second rehearsal, coming up with names, when suddenly:

"Guys! I got it! What about Killing Gandhi?"
"What what? Didn't you ever want to, you know, completely fucking kill that fucking guy?"
"Errr, no?"
"But it's a brilliant name right?"

Four beers later:

Goddamit, ok, we're going with the Gandhi one.

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