Worst Injury You've Ever Sustained

I got my penis caught in a transformer action figure from Mcdonalds (back when they had cool toys)
Once I fell of a slide thingy and landed headfirst on a nail.

And once I was involved in a horrific collision at home plate in which the runner ran into me. He like 350lbs. Luckily he broke a leg and ankles and I had a dew bruises.
I was showing him why I should be leader of the decepticons.
My cannon may have been bigger, but man.....oh man....:cry:
Seraphim Belial said:
I got my penis caught in a transformer action figure from Mcdonalds (back when they had cool toys)
You would fuck anything,would you ? :lol:

I accidentally slit my wrist on a glass that i broke when i was just 2-3.
I almost cut a vain but my mom stoped the bleeding and took me to the hospital.
Still have a nasty scar on my left hand.
Broken ankle. I broke my ankle a couple weeks back, while drunk, and I made it worse by trying to get up and run, multiple times.
was drunk and i jumped off a 12ft wall that I thought was 3ft because it was pitch black. Fucked up my heal really badly, Im thinking bone spurs. couldnt walk for a month and a half.

Tore the shit out of my ankle while on a break away during hockey. hurt like shit! missed the shot too
About 5 or 6 years ago when I had braces I was hit in the face by a baseball and it knocked out my 4 front teeth on top, and the braces cut the fuck out of my lip. In addition the force broke the bone that runs along the roof of your mouth. The bone broke through the skin into my mouth. I went to the hostpital and by the time the doctor got to help me the gums had started to close. He gave me a shot for the pain, set the bone back into the roof of my mouth, and shoved the teeth back into my gums(they were hanging from my braces...). To top it off I had to bite down on gauss for the next 3 hours so that my gums would take hold to my teeth again. It was the most miserable thing ever.
I broke both legs when I went skating back when I was 9, and fractured a rib when I got pushed off a balcony railing at a party back in college- I landed in a bush.
I'm not sure, Once i tore my knee cartilage playing Hockey at the age of 16 and it took one year for me to be able to skate again.

Or maybe when i had a car crash on my fingers and they had to rebullid with by putting a piece of iron in my hand.
When I was little I cut my nose in half horizonatally on some tin roofing. Lately I ripped open my hand on a broken door. It ripped real deep and to make a long story short, I ended up seeing my fat and I fainted. I also tore my ACL 6 years ago.

Pic of my infected hand.