Worst Injury You've Ever Sustained

a couple of years ago my girl and i decided we wanted to like little kids again, went jumping on the trampoline. she landed on my arm and BROKE THE MOTHERFUCKER!

last year playing cricket i was bowling and some guy smashed the ball back at me (great straight drive) and it hit me in the ribs and broke 2 of them.
biggsy said:
haha... i can just see you jumping off the wall going 'this isn't 12ft:zombie:':lol:

well there was a nice bright parking lot with 3 steps to the left. and I said fuck it, this wall is only the same height (which was pitchblack)... 3ft. so I got on the wall and jumped... was in the air a lot longer than I should have been. :lol:
Skulltrauma - once by axe and the other time cause by a big logg with nails through it.
Almost lost a finger when i was one year old
Got a scythe in my knee once too....
And of course the worst one, gotten bitten a verry painfull place
when i was a wrestler for my highschool team, (i'm 22, almost 23 now) i had my right wrist/forearm twisted into a question mark shape, it didn't hurt because of the nerve damage, it was totally numb, all the bones in my hand/wrist/first several inches of my forearm turned to dust, (i saw the x-rays) still can't straighten my right pinky finger, the veins in my wrists have always been clearly visible and the ones in my richt wrist healed up in a totally different pattern from the ones on the left side
when i was a wrestler for my highschool team, (i'm 22, almost 23 now) i had my right wrist/forearm twisted into a question mark shape, it didn't hurt because of the nerve damage, it was totally numb, all the bones in my hand/wrist/first several inches of my forearm turned to dust, (i saw the x-rays) still can't straighten my right pinky finger, the veins in my wrists have always been clearly visible and the ones in my richt wrist healed up in a totally different pattern from the ones on the left side
I was opening a two hinged fence at my families reunion

And my cousin (who was i think 13yrs old at the time) drove a huge fucking tractor through the fence but he ran over me, and the green fender grabbed my body and dragged me and cut a hole behind my knee.

then it took 45mins to get to a nearest hospital
^i love that shit^

9th grade: at hockey practice one night i somehow managed to slash my wrist open but didnt feel it, and didnt notice anything until i took my glove off to get water. i noticed a big red spot in my glove, but didnt think anything of it so i kept going for another 30 minutes. took my glove off again, and holy hell, theres a gaping wound in my wrist! 15 stitches.

the year before at hockey practice a dumb bitch was on the wrong fucking side of the ice and i was turned around and she plowed into me, knocking me the fuck over and landing on me. major concussion. later that year i had a small tear in my ACL and couldnt play for 8 months.

4th grade: swinging across a stupid creek on a stupid rope and my friends stupid dog was in the creek chasing me so i wasnt paying attention and ran right into the damn tree. minor concussion, and the top half of my ear was almost completely severed- 30 stitches. thank fucking god for that doctor.
I got clipped by a car, and cracked my skull, popped my knee cap out, broke a finger, broke an arm, and broke a toe. Plus I got stiches on my back. Yea that sucked big timing, fucking shitty as drivers.
Either cracking my eyebrow open as a small child, breaking my leg falling off monkey bars (at like 13 or 14) or getting the most painful whiplash from tackling drills in football when I stood up a guy bigger than me from no more than two feet off the ground.