Worst Press Release Ever


Feb 9, 2005
ANTHRAX Says 'No More!' To Spreading The Disease - Mar. 29, 2005

Slave to the Metal Foundation is a portal for heavy metal music fans and the music industry to raise awareness and provide funds to those organizations and individuals that fight against the misuse of heavy metals (i.e. depleted uranium, mercury and lead) and who are rising in outrage over other misanthropic and genocidal initiatives such as the forceful administration to our soldiers of the untested and unapproved Anthrax Vaccine (See: www.anthraxvaccine.org , www.milvacs.org).

Commented ANTHRAX drummer Charlie Benante: "Every fan of heavy metal music has the chance right now to support our troops as ANTHRAX partners with Slave to the Metal Foundation to provide an opportunity for the most affected generation to make a difference and bring public awareness to the dangers of the Anthrax Vaccine."

Added ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian: "Heavy metal music was born out of non-conformity to socially accepted structure. Therefore our roots are seeded in the belief that we must challenge structure as it is based on past viewpoints imposed on the future. With respect to the Anthrax Vaccine, it is our responsibility as 'keepers of the faith' of heavy metal music to stay true to core belief and challenge Project BioShield — a legislative act that authorizes the mandated use of untested and unapproved vaccines on our soldiers making them in essence first line guinea pigs for the biopharmaceutical industry."

Stated ANTHRAX singer Joey Belladonna: "It has come to us from the most legitimate and politically correct activist circles that our headbanger support is sorely needed to make the public aware of these atrocities."

ANTHRAX guitarist Dan Spitz offered the following: "I oppose all attempts by anyone to take away my right to dissent and say NO to being a guinea pig for the biopharmaceutical industry."

Eileen Dannemann, co-Founder of Slave to the Metal Foundation, stated: "Along with the likes of directors, Scott Miller, who shed light on the Anthrax Vaccine dangers, and Michael Moore who is working on a Big Pharma expose, we are requesting heavy metal fans to channel their fabulous outrage to derail the atrocities that are being committed against innocent human beings."

In addition to the current efforts surrounding the Anthrax Vaccine, Slave to the Metal raises awareness and provides funds to organizations and individuals that fight the misuse of heavy metals (depleted uranium, mercury and lead). For the last 20 years, the heavy metal, "mercury," has been covertly injected directly into the arms of almost every child in this generation under the government's mandated childhood vaccine program. The resulting brain damage has produced a generation of hyperactive, learning disabled, autistic, asthmatic children with behavior disorders that doctors treat with suicidal and homicidal drugs like Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the CDC, FDA and Congress have not seen fit to remove the heavy metal out of vaccines. Moreover, since the first Gulf War, the United States has covertly dropped tons of nuclear wastes in the form of Depleted Uranium munitions (another heavy metal) on Iraq, the Balkans, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq which has caused high incidences of birth defects and cancer among civilians in these regions and American soldiers.

I don't even know where to begin with this piece of work. Nice phony quotes, I lay odds that these guys didn't write or say this stuff on their own. What planet am I on.

The best one is Belladonna's

"It has come to us from the most legitimate and politically correct activist circles that our headbanger support is sorely needed to make the public
aware of these atrocities."

WHAT THE HELL IS THE MOST LEGITIMATE AND POLITICALLY CORRECT ACTIVIST CIRCLES????(sorry Justin - I could help the caps) and who came up with headbanger support? Am I in sixth grade? Here's a good one they could have used..."Let's all mosh for a good cause."

And there is no way Spitz can even spell let alone say "biopharmaceutical"

Ha ha ha ha...this is so fucking pathetic its funny. Who is calling the shots over there?

Hey guys I know that you are, in Scott's words, "keepers of the faith, but seriously, go blow yourself.

We may be suckers and pay for tickets to this cash grab, but we are not retarded.

Total crap. This reunion is turning out to be just dandy.
SaviourSelf "It has come to us from the most legitimate and politically correct activist circles [/QUOTE said:
Great, I hate all the politically correct B.S. and here they are talking to these fools. :puke:

On the other hand, what better band to do a psa about Anthrax related shit than Anthrax.
SaviourSelf said:
ANTHRAX Says 'No More!' To Spreading The Disease - Mar. 29, 2005

Slave to the Metal Foundation is a portal for heavy metal music fans and the music industry to raise awareness and provide funds to those organizations and individuals that fight against the misuse of heavy metals (i.e. depleted uranium, mercury and lead) and who are rising in outrage over other misanthropic and genocidal initiatives such as the forceful administration to our soldiers of the untested and unapproved Anthrax Vaccine (See: www.anthraxvaccine.org , www.milvacs.org).

Commented ANTHRAX drummer Charlie Benante: "Every fan of heavy metal music has the chance right now to support our troops as ANTHRAX partners with Slave to the Metal Foundation to provide an opportunity for the most affected generation to make a difference and bring public awareness to the dangers of the Anthrax Vaccine."

Added ANTHRAX guitarist Scott Ian: "Heavy metal music was born out of non-conformity to socially accepted structure. Therefore our roots are seeded in the belief that we must challenge structure as it is based on past viewpoints imposed on the future. With respect to the Anthrax Vaccine, it is our responsibility as 'keepers of the faith' of heavy metal music to stay true to core belief and challenge Project BioShield — a legislative act that authorizes the mandated use of untested and unapproved vaccines on our soldiers making them in essence first line guinea pigs for the biopharmaceutical industry."

Stated ANTHRAX singer Joey Belladonna: "It has come to us from the most legitimate and politically correct activist circles that our headbanger support is sorely needed to make the public aware of these atrocities."

ANTHRAX guitarist Dan Spitz offered the following: "I oppose all attempts by anyone to take away my right to dissent and say NO to being a guinea pig for the biopharmaceutical industry."

Eileen Dannemann, co-Founder of Slave to the Metal Foundation, stated: "Along with the likes of directors, Scott Miller, who shed light on the Anthrax Vaccine dangers, and Michael Moore who is working on a Big Pharma expose, we are requesting heavy metal fans to channel their fabulous outrage to derail the atrocities that are being committed against innocent human beings."

In addition to the current efforts surrounding the Anthrax Vaccine, Slave to the Metal raises awareness and provides funds to organizations and individuals that fight the misuse of heavy metals (depleted uranium, mercury and lead). For the last 20 years, the heavy metal, "mercury," has been covertly injected directly into the arms of almost every child in this generation under the government's mandated childhood vaccine program. The resulting brain damage has produced a generation of hyperactive, learning disabled, autistic, asthmatic children with behavior disorders that doctors treat with suicidal and homicidal drugs like Paxil, Prozac and Zoloft. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the CDC, FDA and Congress have not seen fit to remove the heavy metal out of vaccines. Moreover, since the first Gulf War, the United States has covertly dropped tons of nuclear wastes in the form of Depleted Uranium munitions (another heavy metal) on Iraq, the Balkans, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan and Iraq which has caused high incidences of birth defects and cancer among civilians in these regions and American soldiers.

I think my favorite pizza topping is pepperoni.
Well, if someone named Maria from a company called Adreneline PR is doing their PR then its true, cause a friend of mine was just copied on a email with the same press release.
I´m starting to like this whole wacky April Fool´s joke/Joey summer-tour. This is amusing.

I still hope that Bush (and the one who fucks other girls than others thought) is back in the fall.
"we are requesting heavy metal fans to channel their fabulous outrage to derail the atrocities that are being committed against innocent human beings"

....'fabulous outrage' sounds pretty gay to me!