worst releases you own by bands you like.....

Well, we are going to have to agree to disagree..........
Andi Deris Helloween is JUST as amazing as the Walls of Jericho / Keepers era Helloween.

I hate to pull old man rank on you here, but watching Helloween evolve through all the eras was amazing.
I was a bit of a latecomer to the Deris era, as I got out of metal for a nice chunk of the 90s.

Either way, Helloween pioneered both speed metal AND power metal as we know it today.

Blind Guardian fills their albums with a LOT of filler to make the storytelling seem more "epic"

I am not taking ANYTHING away from BG.
As I said, I do like them alot. I just never held them on the pedastal that many do.

Sorry.... Opinions are like arseholes... Everyone has one and each stinks!
Blind Guardian is probably my all-time favorite band and the group that got me into metal at all, but they have a few weaker albums for sure. I would take Blind Guardian over Helloween as a general rule, but I think that Helloween's strongest material ever is with Andy Deris. His voices suits Helloween so well, he sounds like the pumpkin from their logo. Cackling, malicious, but doing everything with a wink and a nudge. Perfect for the band.
Blind Guardian is one of my favorite bands, but let's be honest... The last two albums sucked big time. They're definitely not putting as much effort into them as they used to, which is why I'm so disappointed. They never seemed like a band that would settle for less.
I just can't get into Night at the Opera. The multi-layering of the vocals does my head in, and there doesn't seem to be any hooks.
I love BG though, especially Twist in the Myth, Imaginations and Nightfall.

One of my favourite bands of all time is Skyclad, but Vintage Whine is a bit boring. (feel bad even saying that)
I really like that one! I'm not sure why because I'm not much of a black metal fan.

Summoning actually are black metal band where a lot people who don't like black metal love them. The problem I have with Lugburz is just that it's not what I associate with a Summoning album. It's too much standard black metal and not enough cheesy Casio keyboard NES music. Still awesome music though.
Post-Keepers II, what is Helloween's absolute best album? I guarantee it can't match Imaginations From the Other Side or Nightfall in Middle Earth.

I would say my quick reply answer would be THE TIME OF THE OATH.
I love them all. HELLOWEEN are a top 3 band for me, just behind MAIDEN and MOTORHEAD for all time fav.

As I said, I love BG, but never held them to the level that many do.
It's all good guys... It's music. It's subjective. No two people should get the same exact reaction from it.
I would say my quick reply answer would be THE TIME OF THE OATH.
I love them all. HELLOWEEN are a top 3 band for me, just behind MAIDEN and MOTORHEAD for all time fav.

As I said, I love BG, but never held them to the level that many do.
It's all good guys... It's music. It's subjective. No two people should get the same exact reaction from it.

Yeah but your reaction to BG is objectively wrong.
Only LOVE LOVE LOVE is real.
We medicate dude......................
Blind Guardian is one of my favorite bands, but let's be honest... The last two albums sucked big time. They're definitely not putting as much effort into them as they used to, which is why I'm so disappointed. They never seemed like a band that would settle for less.

I will have to disagree here. Their last one was one of my favorites from that year. The one before it, I'll agree with sucking.
Yeah I'm with Jason in terms of Helloween. They're the cream of the crop. Their only missteps really were the post-keeper albums. Time of the Oath and Dark Ride I think are tied for me in terms of the best Deris albums.