Would anyone be interested in a Tony Krank modded amp? (US only)


May 7, 2007
Just getting a feel for if I should sell an amp I have laying around. No pic yet since I'm not 100% sure.

Kind of an oddball thing - a 1970s Precision Electronics PA with EL84s (and like 4 other preamp and rectifier tubes). Sounds much like a certain English amp with similar tubes, hint hint. I took it into M-Tronics in Mesa, AZ a few years ago to have it modded for use with guitar and apparently Tony Krank worked on it (supposedly he said "does he know what he's got here!?!" when he saw it. Yes I did LOL). He bypassed all the tone knobs so it's just a preamp knob and power knob. Sounded pretty good, but it just sits around now; at this point I don't even have a cab to use it with. I fired it up before I shipped off my 4-12" and it sounded like the preamp pot was going bad (that deal where when it's all the way down it actually maxes out for a second). Cleaner might take care of that. Would probably be best in the hands of someone that knows how to care/work on tube amps or routinely takes amps into the shop for maintenance.

I can take some pics; I might be able to dig up some sound clips with some recordings I did with it. It sounds great for SRV-type blues with a strat with single coils; it breaks up really nice on its own, but with an OD pedal or even just a clean boost it really shines.

Like I said, I'm not 100% certain I'll part with it, but of course money talks, so...