Hey everyone!
I was told by some good friends from UG.com that this was the place to be for some top-notch advice on mixing/mastering/tone...ect. So here I am.
I just started mixing myself about 2-3 months ago. I recently went from recording direct from a Vox VT-15 to using an amp sim called ShredSuite. I've been using EZDrummer-DKfH for over a year now when I started making backing tracks in FL Studio.
So when I wanted to start recording myself, I started using Cubase 5 for my DAW, which I love. One thing I enjoy alot about Cubase is all the EQ presets it has that eliminates alot of the guesswork when you're a complete beginner like myself.
Oh well, you gotta start somewhere right? I also started using Broomstick Bass for my bass VST which I find sounds pretty good.
I really really want to learn as much as I can about this stuff as I've been playing guitar for 20 years and have never been able to record myself until now! I'm a pretty helpfull guy when there's something I can help out with, so I'd greatly appreciate any help I can get ATM, and I'd be glad to return the favor 10 fold in the future if anyone out there ever needs help!
So anyway, I've done a few simple recordings, mostly Metallica and Megadeth covers, and I'd like some opinions on the mix I've spent the most time on to get an idea where I stand on this vast subject so far.
I'm real sorry if I'm posting anything I shouldn't be or if I'm leaving anything out...ect. If I'm doing anything the wrong way, just let me know. I've looked through some FAQ's and other posts to see what the posting conventions are so hopefully everything's OK!
The recording I'm gonna post is a cover of Megadeth's "Holy Wars". I like the structure of the song and thought it would be a good one to highlight a few different things I wanted to try. (ie: dual guitar harmonies, multiple solos, clean sections, panning, fast paced drums...ect)
Here's my set-up for this recording;
Guitars: ShredSuite
I record one rhythm guitar track, pan it 80% left. I record a second rhythm track, pan it 80% right. I EQ both tracks to a simple rock guitar setting with a nice, loud mid-range.
Then I duplicate both tracks, pan them 60%, left and right.
I EQ these second tracks with very scooped mids and set the overall volume for them a little louder than the original tracks(with the high mid-ranges). Even though the volume is louder on the duplicated tracks, the mids are so scooped that the volume turns out almost equal for both tracks.
When I first tried it this way, I found it gave the guitars a very nice surround effect, with the mids being nice and loud, but with a scooped out effect.
Drums: EZDrummer-DKfH
I use the "Death Kit" here. All my pieces are multitracked and everything is pretty much left at default like the panning of the toms..ect. I bring the "room" mics down to like -15db. All my drum pieces are EQed with Cubases available presets for specific drum pieces. Like Kick EQ presets and snare presets...ect. I didn't add any compression (that I remember?? ) because I don't really understand how it works so I left it out.
Bass: Bornemark's Broomstick Bass
Here I used the Rickenbacker 4001 bass(sometimes I'll use the Gibson Thunderbird for really heavy songs). All settings pretty much at default.
I use one of the DAW's bass EQ presets that has these settings : (141.8 Hz-6.5 ; 409.9 Hz+6.5 ; 1533.1 Hz+1.8) just FYI if it helps any.
Please crit my mix and tone. Thanks very much in advance!!
Here's the song posted on my UltimateGuitar.com profile...
Here's the song available for DL on MediaFire...
Thanks again and again for any help or advice I get! It's truly appreciated!
I was told by some good friends from UG.com that this was the place to be for some top-notch advice on mixing/mastering/tone...ect. So here I am.
I just started mixing myself about 2-3 months ago. I recently went from recording direct from a Vox VT-15 to using an amp sim called ShredSuite. I've been using EZDrummer-DKfH for over a year now when I started making backing tracks in FL Studio.
So when I wanted to start recording myself, I started using Cubase 5 for my DAW, which I love. One thing I enjoy alot about Cubase is all the EQ presets it has that eliminates alot of the guesswork when you're a complete beginner like myself.

I really really want to learn as much as I can about this stuff as I've been playing guitar for 20 years and have never been able to record myself until now! I'm a pretty helpfull guy when there's something I can help out with, so I'd greatly appreciate any help I can get ATM, and I'd be glad to return the favor 10 fold in the future if anyone out there ever needs help!
So anyway, I've done a few simple recordings, mostly Metallica and Megadeth covers, and I'd like some opinions on the mix I've spent the most time on to get an idea where I stand on this vast subject so far.
I'm real sorry if I'm posting anything I shouldn't be or if I'm leaving anything out...ect. If I'm doing anything the wrong way, just let me know. I've looked through some FAQ's and other posts to see what the posting conventions are so hopefully everything's OK!
The recording I'm gonna post is a cover of Megadeth's "Holy Wars". I like the structure of the song and thought it would be a good one to highlight a few different things I wanted to try. (ie: dual guitar harmonies, multiple solos, clean sections, panning, fast paced drums...ect)
Here's my set-up for this recording;
Guitars: ShredSuite
I record one rhythm guitar track, pan it 80% left. I record a second rhythm track, pan it 80% right. I EQ both tracks to a simple rock guitar setting with a nice, loud mid-range.
Then I duplicate both tracks, pan them 60%, left and right.
I EQ these second tracks with very scooped mids and set the overall volume for them a little louder than the original tracks(with the high mid-ranges). Even though the volume is louder on the duplicated tracks, the mids are so scooped that the volume turns out almost equal for both tracks.
When I first tried it this way, I found it gave the guitars a very nice surround effect, with the mids being nice and loud, but with a scooped out effect.
Drums: EZDrummer-DKfH
I use the "Death Kit" here. All my pieces are multitracked and everything is pretty much left at default like the panning of the toms..ect. I bring the "room" mics down to like -15db. All my drum pieces are EQed with Cubases available presets for specific drum pieces. Like Kick EQ presets and snare presets...ect. I didn't add any compression (that I remember?? ) because I don't really understand how it works so I left it out.
Bass: Bornemark's Broomstick Bass
Here I used the Rickenbacker 4001 bass(sometimes I'll use the Gibson Thunderbird for really heavy songs). All settings pretty much at default.
I use one of the DAW's bass EQ presets that has these settings : (141.8 Hz-6.5 ; 409.9 Hz+6.5 ; 1533.1 Hz+1.8) just FYI if it helps any.
Please crit my mix and tone. Thanks very much in advance!!
Here's the song posted on my UltimateGuitar.com profile...
Here's the song available for DL on MediaFire...
Thanks again and again for any help or advice I get! It's truly appreciated!